what I wrote last year

Jan 17, 2010 20:39

I'm pretty sure I should have done this post a couple of weeks ago, but I've been a bit worn out by some dreary health stuff. I had the feeling I didn't write much last year, which turned out to be oh so very true, but apparently it was still more than the year before. :) I like doing these posts as a way to keep a little record for myself, if nothing else.

June: Wanting, Magnificent Seven, Ezra/Vin, NC-17, 2,500 words.

July: night shift, Supernatural, Sam/Dean, NC-17, 1,300 words.

October: evil is an exact science, Saiyuki, Tenpou/Kenren, R, 2,600 words.

gods and monsters, Saiyuki, Homura/Goku, NC-17, 1,500 words.

December: in this bare isle, Adventure Inc, gen, G, 11,600 words.

Five stories, total of 19,500 words. And you can really tell by looking at them that four were for kink_bingo and one for yuletide.

so, the stories of 2009

My favorite story of 2009: in this bare isle, I think. Or maybe Wanting. They're so very different, it's hard to compare.

My best story of 2009: Wanting, I think. Or maybe in this bare isle. They're so very different, it's hard to compare.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Eh. Um. I think not a lot of people were into Saiyuki, but that's life.

Most fun story: evil is an exact science, for the Goku bits. Okay, and for the tormenting-Kenren bits. But mostly for getting to write Goku falling out of a tree.

Most sexy story/Story with single sexiest moment: night shift. I blame Dean. I usually do.

Hardest story to write: in this bare isle, which kept getting longer and longer and involving more and more research. Of course, I like research.

Favorite lines meme

Wanting: He liked bedrooms and beds, himself: doors that locked, soft mattresses, lamps that let a man see what he was doing even on a dark night. But he liked Vin better than any of those things.

night shift: "Dean, your porn dialogue sucks."

evil is an exact science: Tenpou looked down, then up. He wasn't short, really, not at all, yet he always seemed to be looking up at Kenren, under the shining black strands of his untidily cut hair, through the long black veils of his eyelashes, and more often than not through a cloud of cigarette smoke. Meeting his gaze at last was like finding buried treasure, or, right at this moment, a buried trap.

gods and monsters: Maybe to Sanzo he was nothing more than a pest and a nuisance, but that wasn't any of Homura's business, and Homura had no right to talk about it, and no right to talk about Sanzo by another name as if he knew him.

in this bare isle: Judson didn't usually let his mind range that far into the future. He'd never seen the point of worrying about what would come later when the present was so present, full of interesting things to see and to do and to find. (He didn't live in the past, either, despite what some people had suggested. The past was just a lot more present in his world than in most people's.)

So. I upped my word count by about 50% compared with 2008. I don't want to get obsessive or stressed out about word count or number of stories, but I'm hoping there will be writing during the coming year. Writing makes me happy, once I get around to it.


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