aw i'm late forgive me.

Nov 22, 2011 12:34


Um. I've done Yuletide before, used to do it every year from like 2005 onwards but then didn't last year and only decided to jump back on this bandwagon last Friday, hence a little weirdness with the prompts.

Sorry this letter is late: I was agonizing over writing it since everybody else seems to have made such amazing letters, full of graphics and resources and all the rest of it. This won't be that kind of letter but more like the letters of yore when it was all simple and stuff.


Party Down

Like I said in my details, I kind of wanted to request Kyle/Roman because that's what my slasher brain picked up the most on that show, their bickering and antagonism that grew into grudging friendship/"bromance" if you wish to use that word. But I can't obligate you to do that since Roman wasn't in the list of characters! So other things I'd also love are just Kyle being Kyle (one of my favourites on the show is that Steve Guttenberg episode where he, for once, doesn't get what he'd like), or Kyle seeking guidance in Constance (their friendship is too awesome), or just gen fic of them catering an event where everything, as usual, goes from bad to worse. I ship anything that's canon in this show, and am open to other pairings as well if written convincingly enough. But I guess when in doubt, go gen.

I've seen all of the show so feel free to set it post-canon or during either of the seasons. It would make my world if some of them would actually 'make it', as unlikely as that seems, like Kyle being cast in Roman's hard sci-fi film, or Casey getting her own network, or Henry actually going somewhere with his acting career.. Happy endings are awesome, aren't they? Though I also like the realism that the show has, that it's not all happy endings.

If you didn't get matched based on this fandom: it's a cancelled US comedy show that's underrated and awesome, and stars a bunch of really funny people. It's 20 episodes in total so a reasonably short watch, if you're a US person yourself (I'm not) I'm pretty sure you could find it on Hulu or Netflix Instant or something like that. It starts out pretty 'meh' in my books but by episode four or five I realised I loved it.

The Inbetweeners

I've written one of the few fics out there for this and when a person on the flist mentioned this in the fandomy context I suddenly thought there needs to be more fic of this and so when I hit up the sign up form, I knew this had to be among my requests. If you're that flist person, what an awkward coincidence, hi!

Anyway, again my optional details pretty much spell it out: I'd either love slash or fic centered on the girls, something from their point of view (because teenage awkwardness is not a phenomenon just boys experience). Of course the problem with the latter is that the canon doesn't give you much to work with. But whichever way you choose to take it, I'd basically just love it to be in tune of the show's humour. I basically just love the insults and the ridiculously teenagery things that sometimes surface (like how poor Jay gets a personality transplant every time his dad is in the room, or how Simon throws a fit when his parents are all-in-all being quite reasonable, or Will being exasperated at his mum's mummying). It's just funny on so many levels, I guess that's what makes it a great show.

If you want to take it to a totally different direction, something about Will's poshness in comparison to the other boys' backgrounds would be nice. I've been brought up on British comedies but certain cultural things, like the strong emphasis on class, still somewhat evade my full understanding, so anything to do with that would be highly interesting, especially if you're British yourself and understand that sort of world better than I do.

Or you could write anything based on the film. I haven't seen it but I doubt I'll dislike it, everybody I know who loves the show said it's really good.

If you didn't get matched based on this fandom: it's a British comedy series about four teenage boys and their deep, metaphysical, cringeworthy but hilarious awkwardness. There's also a film out which I've yet to see but probably will get my hands on the DVD by 25th of next month.

Two Guys A Girl and A Pizza Place or Two Guys and a Girl

I kind of just saw the fandom on the list of nominations and jumped on it because Irene/Berg is one of the best het OTPs and just adorable and I want fic of them. I love how they hid their weird little thing and how it went from just sex to something more and the height difference and I kind of sound like the most vapid shipper, I know, I know. I used to watch this show and dig it but not really even watch regularly and then this pairing happened, and I couldn't miss an episode (and since the time slot on Finnish television was ridiculously late, it was a commitment to stay up late). I liked Irene as a comedic character before that, even though she was ridiculously over-the-top, but the last two seasons just sort of defined this show for me, since everything I'd shipped (Ashley/Pete in their hateful glory) had happened or was happening (Johnny/Sharon was too cute!) and then Irene/Berg, which just totally caught me by surprise, happened.

Of course, in the days before DVR and DVD's this would happen - that you'd only remember parts of a long-running show because those parts interested you the most so you only really followed the show during that. I realise this might not be the case for you, dearest writer! I can't assume you like the same things as me. So of course I'd also just be pleased with cracky gen of Irene, I don't know, trying to marry one of her cats to Berg, be the maid of honor and then get off with Pete, who'd be the best man (would she? I guess she would..) or anything of that sort. Like I said, Irene is over-the-top so most bizarre scenarios can be plausible in her head.

Oh and if you do write them as a pairing, I'd be up for anything from fluffiness to porn, just so you know.

It's a bummer and quite puzzling that this show isn't out on DVD for you to rewatch but I think there are ways and means of procuring it otherwise, I think I remember rewatching my favourite episodes on Youtube some years ago..

If you didn't get matched based on this: it's a four-season long American sitcom, with Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion among its more known cast members. It's surprisingly enough not out on DVD, even though it's fairly known and stuff! My request is for a pairing that only got together in the last season of the show.


I'm really bad at saying what I like in general since they don't tend to apply to what I requested (like angsty pairings doesn't describe anything I asked for). But I guess specifically in light of all of these, I like crack and witty bantery dialogue, and cuteness and sexuality crises and best friends and bickering.

There. But I am pretty easy to please and I am open to you taking the fic where your inspiration takes you because that tends to serve the fic in general.

Again, sorry for getting this so late!


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