calixa threw out a casual rec for this internet show/scripted vlog/genre-defying awesomeness and I gobbled it up in one night and have been obsessing ever since.
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is an adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, modernized, Americanized and in form of a vlog. And it's utterly delightful if you're a fan of the story. It's just well-acted, well-written and highly humorous, and I am in love with so many of the choices the head writer, Bernie Su, has made in this series. It's very loyal, even though it modernises the whole story wonderfully, and in a sense the slowness in pace comes from that loyalty. A lot of the joy of watching this comes from the clever way they are constantly tweaking little things to suit the 2012 world the characters live in, and also anticipating when knowing the book and its events.
And it's also just so damned cute! Look at Jane here! Too cute.
Some of the changes are just too delicious. First of all, I find Lydia and Charlotte more fleshed out and interesting than in the book, and I really want to see how their storylines end - even with the changes, though, they still feel like essentially the same characters, serving the same purposes in the story as in the original. Secondly, the cast is not all-white, which is a small thing, but always refreshing. And since, in the modern world, marriages aren't exactly a financial arrangement rather than a romantic one, the way they're written Mrs Bennet and her marriage-focusedness is actually pretty understandable, though totally over the top.
Anyway, check the episodes out! They're short so you can easily catch up within an evening and it really is some of the best web video I've ever followed (Dorm Life I miss you).