FML - the opera, the rambling.

Jun 16, 2009 06:12

It's 6AM. Have been up since 10AM yesterday trying to get ridiculous group project going. (v. good!) Hate anything to do with education (DO NOT WANT TO TEACH. DO NOT WANT. DO. NOT. WANT. except I will have to *grumblegrumble*) Have only started writing said project around midnight today. Stopped around 2AM to write porn, planning on getting more school work done by 3AM.

3-ish: inexplicable city-wide blackout. Huh. Wrote porn longhand, therefore no problem. Wrote school work on computer, therefore fucked.

4AM. Lights are back on, must pretend to care about education. (v. good!) NOOOO. NO MORE SUCKING UP TO THE GREEKS. (plz to be equal opportunity dick slobberer, Mr. Book Writer) 6-ish: Fuck this, must be irresponsible and procrastinate.

6:10AM. Caffeine injections - a thought, a possibility.

crazy, breaking news: lj cut my other l8n tag, incoherence is the new black, my suckage, uni: secondhand pot, random, porncrastinating

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