Book Haul, Plus some things that I *really* didn't need but bought anyway...

Dec 04, 2014 19:09

I went and bought books the other day, and I also got the second and forth season of Stargate SG1, and the first season of WHITE COLLAR!!!! :D :D :D {Can you tell I'm happy?}
I went ahead and watched the bloopers-my family didn't understand what was so funny as I cackled loud enough they could hear it from downstairs. I loved it! I also watched "Windows of Opportunity" on season four of Stargate, because it had been ages since I'd seen it, and I missed it so. My family watched that one with me, and laughed in all the right places, but still thought it was cheesy. :*(
Still, I got about twenty new books to read, and new things to watch. I also bought the video Starman at the bookstore, because the guy had a lot of old movies, and I'd never seen that one, though mom had and it had been a LONG time since she'd watched it. Anyone else familiar with it?
I've also changed my LJ-can you tell? I'm still working on links and stuff to my other writing sites, so if they don't work, PLEASE let me know? Also, what do you think of the new look? Like it? Hate it?

Also, question for those that watch SG1-which episodes does Evan Lorne show up in, exactly? Because I've not yet seen him in any of them, though I only have the first four seasons of Sg1 to watch now, so maybe he's in one of the later ones? I dunno, I was just curious.
Gonna go watch the new episode of the Big Bang Theory that's playing now...

interests, slightly personal, random, real life, tv, white collarr, tv shows, other

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