Feb 25, 2010 16:36
Hello ladies! We are 27 weeks away from Dragon. For those focused on weightloss that means 27 to 41 pounds of loss can be achieved. For those focused on fitness, six months in the gym can do wonders for tone and tightening. Get serious now girls. Time has a way of slipping away from us.
Several of us were at Con Nooga last weekend. Oddly, our paths never crossed. Let's post in here before our next con attendance so we know to look for each other.
I'm a little bummed about work travel. I'll be traveling a lot during March. This means much missed gym time. That always concerns me. One of the places I'm traveling has slim or no opps for cardio or other fitness. That really stinks. Let's hope the other travel locale has great fitness outlets or I'll be one cranky camper.
How is everyone doing with their goals?