I just used an entire box of tissues tonight...

May 19, 2008 22:50

House was... wow.  WOW!  So freaking beautiful!  I cried my eyes out.  No episode of House has ever moved me as much as this episode did.  The House/Wilson was utterly heartbreaking.  OMG!  Just... wow.  This was quite possibly the greatest ep ever.

When Wilson asked House to risk his life in order to save Amber?  WOW!  Seriously, House looked like his heart had shattered into a million pieces.  He was so incredibly hurt that Wilson chose someone else over him without even flinching.  And House just went through with it, because if Wilson didn't care about him, then what's the point of living? :'(  Also, I love how fierce House was about saving Amber right from the beginning.  This was the episode where we truly saw the depth of House's love for Wilson.  He was willing to do absolutely anything for him.  And then the part where he realized that Amber died because of him?  And you could see House crying?  OH MY GOD!!!!!!  OMG OMG OMG!  Talk about my heart hurting.  OMG!  He knew right then and there that Wilson was going to hate him, and his heart broke even more.  And then he didn't want to live, because the pain of not having Wilson's love was too much for him to handle.  OMG!  And then when he woke up, even though Cuddy was there, it was like he was all alone in the world, because the only person he wanted by his side was Wilson.  The look shared between them there at the end, GAH!!!!!!!  House looks so desperate and vulnerable, and Wilson is hurting, wanting to hate House, but still caring enough to check on him, but then he walks away, and House looks like he died inside.  OH MY GOD!!!!!  GAH!  SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!  But so, so sad.

Speaking of sad, Wilson and Amber made me bawl.  I'm not joking about using a whole tissue box.  God, Amber loved Wilson SO MUCH!  She freaking went to deal with House purely for Wilson, because she knew that House was important to Wilson.  No one else did this for him.  No one else understood his love for House, but Amber got it.  Her love for Wilson was so damn beautiful, and yeah, she was the female version of House, but she gave Wilson what House was never able to give him (besides sex).  She made him feel loved.  For Wilson to find something so perfect, just to have it ripped away from him was so incredibly heart-wrenching, and the fact that House was unintentionally responsible for it made it even worse.  Oh, my heart. :'(

And that moment on the white bus between House and Amber was huge.  House acknowledged that he doesn't want to live in misery anymore.  He doesn't want the pain.  And he wants Wilson.  Of course, in the season 2 finale he decided to put meaning into his life, but that only lasted for a few episodes, so I guess we'll have to wait and see if this ordeal changes him at all.  I think the idea of having to live without Wilson will definitely force him to change some of his ways.  He has to win back his love.  But, you know, even after all this, I still think Wilson loves him.  It's always been something that Wilson has never been able to turn off.  He will always care about House.  And Wilson will always be #1 in House's life.  I know the show ended with House/Cuddy, but as far as House was concerned, Cuddy didn't even exist.  He was definitely alone.  He needs his Wilson. *sniff*

OMG, such a perfect episode.  LOVED IT!!!!!

Oh, and you know what else?  I've turned my parents into Life watchers.  Oh yes.  Awhile back I showed them Fallen Woman, and they liked it, but they weren't all that impressed.  And tonight I showed them Fill It Up, and now they are all, "When does the next season start?  What day is it on?  What time?  What channel?  We need to see what happens."  Oh yes, I have converted them.  But 10:00pm on Fridays is way too late for them.  So I doubt that they'll watch season 2.  I'll keep them updated, though.  But see, my dad always mocks my TV shows, and then I force one on him, and then he's like, "Oh, well, okay, it's not that bad."  I still can't convert my parents to The Office though.  They think Two and a Half Men is far superior. *gag*

family, ship: house/wilson, show: house, show: life

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