I had such a dull (but nice weekend) that I thought I would post it as a tiny picspam!
The active part of my weekend can be summed up in this pic
Did a bit on the stepper, and hoovered the carpet throughout the flat, including moving furniture and window sills.
I spent the rest of the weekend on my backside doing my cross stitch project that looks like this at the moment:
and watching these:
Well, not strictly true. I only has two episodes of Band of Brothers left to watch, and the extras disc - marvellous telly. The History Boys was on loan to me and I'd had it about two months without watching it - it's fun. The Lovefilm envelope hides Blood Diamond which I really enjoyed and I'm having to admit that Leonardo Di Caprio can act even if I still don't find him attractive. I also fancied a little bit of Clocking Off so watch the episode called Trudie starring Lesley Sharp and young Phil Glenister who looks like he is wearing eyeliner. It is a quality, quality british drama and if you've never seen it and are in the UK, it is currently being shown on ITV3 - I think it may even be tonight.
So there you have it. Be warned - my new digital camera arrived today so there may be more picspams to come!