Torchwood; the missing post

Oct 13, 2006 00:02

Torchwood site is up! Non-UK users are shut out of what looks to be the best goodies, but they are still lots of pics of Captain Jack and The Coat. (I notice The Coat already has quite a following. It's only a matter of time before it attempts to take over leadership of Torchwood with its loyal assistant The Suspenders, who is/are almost equally loved.) Only nine more days!

Yesterday's unposted entry, pasted in:

Writing this in word processor to be pasted in later. I was very silly and assumed that just because I had seen someone with a laptop here, they must have wireless.

Today - on my supposed morning off - I did two instruction session in a row for the composition classes. This was all the more fun because last night when I was trying to go over it at home, MLA wouldn't work (for those not in the English loop, that's the big, important database and the one on which the rest of my presentation hinged) and the other two I needed were slow. EBSCO has been having some problems, so all I could do was hope it would work this morning. Well, it did - very slowly. In the first session I had to skip to the other databases and hope the whole "Boolean searching" thing didn't get muddled when using it with fewer useful pull-down lists and ticky boxes. The 10:00 class was a bit bigger and definitely more awake, so they asked questions while the computer mosied on its lazy way. I got the feeling they thought they were asking really hard questions and were on the verge of tripping me up. It was kind of cute, actually, and showed they were really thinking and not just staring dazedly at the screen. Since I had been planning to talk about a lot of those things anyway, it also made me look really good to answer everything on the spot with no thinking. ;)

So overall, it really went very well, at points even better than I expected. I guess I've improved since my own comp-teaching days. Now I'm at the best little deli/cafe/mini-grocery ever enjoying my chicken salad and the pretty jazz and contemplating if a coffee before class would be wise after that jolt of super-strong Lapsang this morning, and considering that I may end up with fast food for dinner. It probably would not be, but it sure would taste good!

telly, work

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