Choices, choices; networking sites

Oct 04, 2006 17:57

I have a terrible dilemma and turn to you, dear friends, to help me solve it. I have to decide pretty much right away what to do my major class project on, and I am stumped. I originally thought it would be very cool to talk about Joss Whedon, because when is it not? But I figured he would probably get snapped up by one of the X-Men loving geekboys, so I decided to consider M. Alice LeGrow as an option.

Today we we did sign-ups; nobody took Joss. About half the class is doing the "make your own comic" option. However, if the artist/writer has done non-comics work (tv, novels, movies, etc.) those do not count for the paper and presentation. I had found a few good articles, but everything about Fray/Serenity/X-Men is pretty much just book reviews. OTOH, everything about Bizenghast is book reviews, and a few articles on the TokyoPop website.

So what do I do? Attempt to fangirl Joss while ignoring all of Buffy and Angel, and most of Firefly and Serenity? Or fangirl M. Alice even though there is almost nothing out there to use as secondary sources and her strong point (art, zomg!) is not mine at all. I'm sure she would be very helpful if I contacted her through her website and told her she's so awesome that I'm willing to lose all my hard-won geek cred by fangirling manga in public. She seems like the friendly type and clearly encourages fannishness.

Comments? Suggestions? (Cries of outrage? ;)

In other news: To highlight how banning "social networking" will hurt students' ability to use the web for good, the Young Adult Library Services Association is posting positive uses of the web every day for the month of October, at the YALSA blog. The first post (from Sunday) is currently two pages back. Check it out - you might find a new cool toy. *resists urge to waste entire days on LibraryThing*

library, books

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