I turn my back for one minute and this happens

Jan 03, 2010 12:21

Wow. LJ has removed the ability to search interests from the navigation bar. WTF?!

[deleted rant about impossibility of searching another way]

I did find a workaround by searching entries, which yields nothing useful in itself, especially since most of the results are in Russian. However, that page gives you another search box with a tiny Search by interests option under it. I'm not sure why LJ has deliberately crippled their system. Surely one less option in the nav bar doesn't save them anything, but it does create more work for me and their servers when I have to do the same search twice to get what I want.

If all my friends weren't on LJ (including the ones who have DW accounts) I would be out of here. This is how I find new comms - search for something, see what comes up, join comm, get new fic, vids, etc. Without an interests search, none of that happens. Hopefully Dreamwidth will soon have more comms and good discussion so I can move my fannish activity over there.

On a completely different note, all this "here" and "there" is very difficult when I know this is going to be crossposted and read in both places. Ha!

lj, wtf, rants

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