I've been delaying this for a while...

May 27, 2004 20:24

I know I need to make this entry. I've been procrastinating for the past few days. I started to write a few times but either I was interrupted or lost the entry while trying to post. Well, here goes...

I graduated on Sunday. I'm officially an alumni of Hofstra University. It's so weird. In a way it hasn't hit me. So many changes have been ocurring but I have been in such a state of denial to what is going on with me. I'm done with school forever and I am now without health insurance and without a job. Today is my last day at the computer labs. I decided to quit now instead of waiting until the end of the summer because I need a break. I'm hoping a break will wake me from my state of denial.

I did not make it into either the Los Angeles or New York editions of the Directors Guild of America Assistant Director Training Program. I'm an alternate for New York, which basically means that I was number 8 and they chose 7. If anyone drops out by the end of the summer I'm in, but otherwise, I'm not in the program. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in myself for not making it. I was kind of riding around on a high horse when I found out that I made the final rounds for programs. I thought for sure I would get one. If no one drops I'm going to reapply next year. Dr. Mazzocco called a friend of his who was in my interview to see what was up. His friend told me that the 7 people in front of me had experience as an Assistant Director and had seen one in action and I hadn't. They also were a little nervous because I was fairly young and just out of college. But I guess to have that disadvantage working against me and still make it to the number 8 slot is something to proud of (yeah I know I'm reaching, but give me a break).

I spoke to the director of the New York program today. She is such a sweetheart. She has really taken an interest in me. She is going to help me get in touch with an Assistant Director so I can pick their brain, or even follow them around for a day. She is also going to give my name out to a few people to see if they need production assistants. They may not necessarily be paid jobs but it is something to get my foot in the door. I've been sending out my resume but I really just want to take a few weeks off. I want to go to Six Flags and head up to Boston. I better see the beach this year. I've lost a lot of weight so I'm a lot more confident about going. I just really want to get to know me, before I jump into the "real world."

Because I have ultimately been off from the world, I've been around to help my mom out. She had surgery on Monday to have a catarax removed from her left eye, but has been having complications. Her eye may be infected and the fact that her doctor is calling everyday isn't helping to calm her. She was supposed to go to my brother's soccer tournament this weekend but can't because the doctor said that she may expose herself to an even worse infection. She asked me to go in order to make sure my father doesn't fall asleep at the wheel. I don't mind, it should be pretty interesting and it will be fun to support Sean.

He has gotten so big lately. My baby brother is all grown up now. He is going to turn 13 in August and is in junior high school. Maureen is going to Hofstra next year. It's nuts. She still looks like she is 12 even though she has this new punk rock haircut (on bad hair days, she looks like that guy from A Flock of Seagulls...lol...I'm evil). She wants to study history but isn't quite sure what she wanted to do with it.

I really want to hit up Empire Discs tonight. There a bunch of albums that I want to get, a lot of female singer songwriters like Jonatha Brooke. She got a good write up in Newsday.

Alyssa is leaving the East Coast, possibly for good this weekend. I'm really going to miss her. I've gotten really close to her over the past few months. I'm sure that we will keep in touch but I'm still going to miss her. Well, at least this gives me an excuse to go to the state of Washington. I think once she leaves, it is really going to hit me that things are ending. I also think when that happens and when I'm finally done with my job and when my mom gets better and when there is nothing really for me to do, then it will hit me.

I know things happen for a reason, I just don't know what that reason is yet....
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