May 04, 2004 16:56
Today I actually got a lot of stuff done. I had been meaning to go to the bank, the post office and FedEX for a number of days but today I finally got around to it. I know I haven't posted in weeks so I better update quick...
I am a finalist for both the NY and LA Directors Guild of America Assistant Director Training Programs. I have to have an interview with both programs to see if I make the last and final cut. I'm one of 117 finalists for LA and one of 18 for New York. (You can see how different the programs are in their selection process). I have my interview for New York on May 12th and my interview for LA in LA on May 15th. (Hey Cerissa! "We're going to LA! We're going to LA")
However there is a catch... I will find out if I made the NY program possibly even before I get on the flight to LA. (I will still be going to LA for the mere joy of going to Disneyland during finals week). If I get NY I will definitely accept, even though I have yet to make up my mind about or even see LA. I don't want to say no to NY and then not get LA. I want to become an Assistant Director, not screw myself over.
Graduation is in 19 days. (Ohhh!!! Good song. I know that was random but I just heard three great songs in a row on my Launchcast station. First it was Michelle Branch "Tuesday Morning" then it was Alana Davis "Round and Around" and now it is the ultimate chill out song, Zero 7 "Destiny.") Yeah, so, back to graduation. I'm starting to get a bit of senioritis. I'm really not in the mood to get projects done. Especially since I have to do all this work before my trip. My homework/finals are not that complicated. I have a 10 page post mortem and another 1500 word post mortem for AVF 165, a short film to create for AVF 80, a written take home final for SPCM 4, and I have to edit my class' film for AVF 167. I've had a lot worse in the past but I really just want to have a break.
I don't know how sad I am to be leaving college. I'm sure I will still be in contact with the people that I've come close with but I don't think I have any lasting experiences that will make me cry my eyes out for the next two weeks. I'm sure I will cry at graduation but I guess because I'm already to move on to the next thing that I'm not thinking about the present. I guess I also realize, it is time to move on.
I've been thinking more and more about making myself financially stable and able to live on my own. I've been trying to pay off my credit cards and cut back on expenses. I know that sometime in the next two months I will be living on my own, either in New York or Los Angeles. I've been looking up apartments and trying to find roommates. Two friends of mind wanted me to move in with them but when I found out that I wouldn't find out if I made it into the LA program until June, that idea kind of went bust.
I'm kind of looking forward to living on my own and being independent. I know that it is going to be difficult in the beginning but I ultimately think it will be worthwhile.
Enough updating and chilling out for now. I promised to give Urban Lounge a hand with their show before class. I'm working until 2am again, I will probably update as well.