--> i have some serious problems with sweating. and, while "preparing" for the test from methodology and reading about activities before, during and after working with listening, i realised that... I'LL HAVE TO WRITE ON THE BLACKBOARD BUT I HAVE UNDER-ARMPITS ISSUES SO HOW, OMIGOD, MY FUTURE STUDENTS WILL EAT ME ALIVE. OH NOESSS.
--> my theory for german didactics and methodology is in polish and it's as hard to understand as last year's english version. WTF. "ewaluacja w płaszczyznę metateoretyczną", "teoremy w postaci dyrektyw", what the fuckkkk.
--> it's fucking cold. my FEET, numb as they are, are frozen. though i feel them more when they're ice-like BUT I GOT USED TO NOT FEELING THEM AND SINCE I CAN USE THEM ANYWAY THEN I DON'T WANT TO FEEL SO COLD DOWN THERE.
--> the book we use for methodology-glottodidactics in german (same as in polish or english) has quotes and references in english. how amusing.
--> ah, teacher-student as the basic relation of glottodidactical configuration made me think how super sexy and fuck-worthy
kon from amatsuki is <3 mrrr. i want him to ravish me, srsly. if that could still be called "ravish".