So, its that time of year again--the time when I look around my room and think "Where did all this yarn come from? Surely I did not buy it. It must have snuck in while I wasn't looking."
So, oh readers of my blog, I ask:
What knitted thing can I foist on you this holiday season?
Yes, indeed, if you have always craved a hat, some socks, a pair of gloves, a plush version of your favorite
character or
internal organ, a sweater for your dog, your very own
nosewarmer, or any other whimsy, and you don't mind getting your holiday gifts in February, now is the time to ask! Comment here to let me know. If you are looking for a giant knitted dildo cozy and are afraid to tell the internet, message me privately. If you would like something, but don't want to be a bother, post apologetically--but do tell me! I enjoy making things, especially when I know the recipients actually want them. If you like somewhere warm/ are alergic to wool/ already have too many knitted things I gave you, feel free to offer other gift suggestions--I bake, sew, write, draw poorly, code databases, and perform obscure research*.
All persons who do not respond may be gifted a pink nosewarmer. You have been warned.
*And who wouldn't want an illustrated history of the sock garter?