My brain tries too hard sometimes

Nov 07, 2009 00:30

On the way home from work today, I dropped by the store to pick up some shampoo and an ice scraper. (I really must cut my hair again; I am going through an absurd amount of shampoo.)

Anyway, I pulled into a space, put the car into park, and went to reach for my iPod when suddenly the car started going forward. I slammed on the brakes and thought something along the lines of "I'm in neutral, I am going to hit the car in front of me, why aren't I stopping?," only with a whole lot more panicked cursing.

This lasted until I realized that a) my car was in park and b) the car next to me was pulling out.

Today's panic attack brought to you by: relative motion!

I bought chocolate.

via ljapp, arrrgh, random

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