(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 08:35

Happy post-election day! I hope that your favored local candidates did well, and that no one managed to shove through any stupid local laws with a ballot measure*. My favored mayoral candidate looks like he will win, though as our local ballots are paper, it might be a couple of days before they are all counted.

It is November, which means that winter is catching up. On the plus side, this means really lovely leaves. On the downside it is really cold. There was a frost warning this morning. My sensitive outdoor plants could have been killed!** I do not approve.

This has also led to my really bad decision of the month; I went out an bought a microfleece blanket. It is very, very soft and warm. Thus, every morning this week has gone much like this: “That's my alarm. I should get up, but my room is cold, and this blanket is soft and warm. I will stay here a little longer.”

It is a decent diet strategy, though, as I don't really end up with time for making a complex breakfast or lunch. Also, all that running for the bus is good exercise!

*Not legal in North Carolina; the only thing we vote on directly is amendments. This is probably a good thing, as direct-initiative laws tend to be either minor but emotional charged issues (better conditions for veal calves!) or really bad ideas (fix spending at recession levels forever!). It's hard to stir up the populace for useful but unglamorous legislation (correct this statistical variance in budget reporting but adding an additional box to form 67-B!).

**Not that anyone with sense would put me in charge of a plant.

failz, weather, democracy inaction

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