Happy Halloween

Nov 01, 2009 11:36

Yesterday was awesome. One of my roommate's best friends came down from Baltimore with her boyfriend. They turned out to be really cool people, and we all went to Franklin Street together. This is a Halloween party with more than 20,000 people--best people-watching spot in the world.

I got pulled over for the first time ever, because I was an idiot and forgot to turn on my headlights. (The cop was really cool about it, though.)
Quasi-illegally parallel parking in the tiniest space ever.
The couple dressed as a carbon footprint and its offset.
Epic drinking games. I did not participate (obviously), but I think watching is even more amusing.
Meeting cool people from outside my department.
Someone recognized my costume! Only one person, mind, but that was more than I was expecting.

And yes, that is a sonic screwdriver in my pocket.

grad school, things that make me happy, doctor who, adventure, fangirl

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