the end 2

Jan 01, 2007 13:57

I recently learned what I can only term a "life lesson."
Maybe more like it hit me like a blast that stunned me but then left me with more clarity.

Most anyone reading this will probably know I am writing about finding out what has become of someone formerly very close to me.

I want to write an eloquent diatribe about people and genuine change but I can't seem to.

I guess I want to say that I still believe in change and progress.
I want to warn against those that sway with the breeze.

I am who I am and I have been who I am even when surrounded by those either disapproving or living contrary.
I have a solid foundation because I am who I am and I do what I do for reasons I can articulate and because I know that I reached these reasons of my own accord.

Now I have seen someone live almost 10 years aping arguments supposedly learned and crafting an entire life based on beliefs only to abandon everything and forsake everyone.
How could someone I knew that intimately articulate what seemed to be genuine ideas only to 'revert' back to a reactionary comfort level in direct contrast to her former life? Easily.

Ya, I am filled with hate. Ya, I am bile.

I just want nothing to do with anyone who is the way they are for the sake of comfortability or simply because of who they are around or who is accepting of them.
I have no tolerance for it.

I also aim to make sure that I am the person I want to be regardless of outside pressure.
There is no ultimate happiness in the striving to change one's self in order to find comfort or acceptance.

P.S. Fuck your God! Fuck your Jesus! Death to missionaries & crusaders! Smash monogamy!
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