the end 1

Jan 01, 2007 13:37

I decided a while ago to more-or-less give up my LJ.
I will continue to read LJ occasionally and I will post a lot more to my blog.

I could do so quietly but the entire point of a semi-public journal is the assumption that people care what you have to write.

No online journal kinda makes me sad.
It reminds me of why I started keeping one and the journey it took me on.

When I very first got my own computer ("my own" meaning my wife and I bought it) it was 1999.
While checking out the featured links on my favorite record label's website (Jade Tree), I came across IAM.BME.
There were so many hot girls and interesting people on what was the first community site I had ever seen (maybe along with MakeOut Club), I immediately joined.
I was a member for at least a solid 4 years. I met numerous people who changed my life. I still keep in touch with some. My interactions on that site also changed the course of my life.
People I didn't know actually read and kept up on my day-to-day life... I can only think because my day-to-day life really was quite an adventure.

In the end, IAM.BME contributed heavily to the dissolution of my marriage (that is not to say it was responsible).

A couple years later, I rejoined IAM.BME and it again cast a shadow over my relationship (although that was more my own doing).

Even this LJ is the result of a friend from IAM.BME giving me a password.

5 years ago, I wouldn't have been able to comprehend a life without an online journal for others to keep up with my life.
I guess I don't think my life is really anything to keep up with anymore. I also figure it is more important to include people I like in my life and have that interaction be the primary dynamic.
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