In memory of Dr. George Tiller

Jun 11, 2009 17:41

If anyone has not heard, Dr. George Tiller was a provider of late-term abortions, for women whose pregnancies would not result in living babies. Most of his patients were women who wanted to carry their pregnancy to term, only to find out that the fetus was not viable. He was gunned down in his church by a domestic terrorist. Dr. Tiller was a courageous man who endured threats, at least one previous attack, and other acts of terror and intimidation, because he cared deeply about his patients.

In his name, I have just given a donation to his memorial fund, which will help low-income women obtain abortions, giving them the resources they need to support their choice. I have also donated to Medical Students for Choice, an organization helping to train doctors who will provide abortion services. I will also be donating to Planned Parenthood, but the donation form on their website did not seem to be working correctly.

While abortion is technically legal in this country, religious zealots are targeting providers and working to pass legislation that chips away at abortion rights. In too many areas, it is impossible or difficult for a woman to obtain an abortion because of a lack of providers, at least partly because of the harassment and intimidation they may face. While I have never found myself in a position to need abortion services, and thanks to a tubal ligation a few years ago, it is unlikely that I ever will, I support the right of other women to make that choice for themselves. I want to help keep it possible for them to make that choice.
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