Sprin--Er, Summer Cleaning?

May 20, 2010 14:49

Oops, haven't really updated this in a few days. xD Here's my belated cry of joy: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM! <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)>

Anyways, I'm now back home and am in the process of cleaning out a decade's worth of junk from my room so I can store my college stuff properly. I found a lot of my old drawings (from when I was 13 years old!) and my first ballet costumes, so we're going to end up storing them... somewhere. Because eventually, I want to show my kids that their mom was once a kid as well. xD

I'm already starting to miss my Pittsburgh/college buddies. :/ I'm trying to get in touch with a lot of my high school friends, but some of them are still in the process of graduating or won't be done until July.

Strangely, the first person that responded after I graduated was an old friend that told me that he liked me at the very end of (high school) senior year. o.O; I'm probably going to go out to see Iron Man 2 with him tomorrow.

Also, the only boy that I would consider my 'ex' is also in town and wants to catch up. @_@; Strange. I honestly haven't talked to him in six years...

Awkward life is now awkward. xD; I'll keep you guys updated.

boys, life

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