Graduation is SRS BZNS.

May 12, 2010 15:38

EDIT: Unrelated, but omg, there's only two more Space Shuttle missions before it ends. ;A; This makes me sad. This program has been running for longer than I've been alive!

Dude. Graduation is so COMPLICATED. @_@; I have all these lunches/dinners I have to attend, as well as fixing end-of-college things like making sure that anything sent to my university mailbox is now forwarded to my house instead.

Also, everyone always looks ridiculous in graduation robes. xD For some reason, the Masters' robes (not mine, thankfully) look like they suffered some serious sewing mistake because the holes for your hands are only half way down the sleeve, with the rest of the sleeve (which is still a square shape) hanging oddly from your forearms. It's so bizarre. @_@; I wish they looked more graceful, like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings robes, but YEAH, not going to happen. *geek*

Unfortunately, I found out this morning that even though I meet the requirements for college honors because I've done research, have my name in a published paper and have also presented my research in front of judges two weeks ago, I can't get them because my GPA is only 0.1 too low. *SIGH* Figures.

. . . By the way, I still don't know if I can actually get my diploma. Physical Chemistry grades still aren't up, and I'm still nervous that I failed the course. OTZ Dad keeps telling me that there's no way they'll keep a biology major from graduating because of Physical Chemistry, but... still. This is so nerve wracking.

graduation, school, current events, life

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