Of Dragons and Unitards

May 22, 2010 22:52

I suck at thinking up of clever titles.

ANYWAYS, I saw Iron Man 2 and How to Train a Dragon in the last two days! 83

First, Iron Man 2 was great... but at the same time, not. It's not as great as the first, but still a fun watch. Some of the scenes did feel very forced, as if the director had a moment of "well, we haven't had funny dialogue in a while, let's just toss it in here". RDJ is, as always, fantastic at being witty. Mikey's Russian accent was FANTASTIC, although I had a strange fascination with his very curvy nails. o.o; Scarlet Johansaan... I still don't like her much, but I'll admit, she didn't irritate me in this movie as much as she normally does. I did enjoy her one real fight scene, although I still have a hard time believfing I still have a hard time believing that slender, very curvy women like that can ACTUALLY kick butt. :/ Real martial artists are lean and don't have a ton of curves because your boobs are pretty much the first thing to go if you're super in-shape. :/ On the other hand, I know she trained hard for months so kudo to her, she definitely pulled it off. :)

Then I saw How to Train a Dragon with Lauren, whom I met at Tekkoshocn but actually goes to TCNJ (next to my house). OH MAN, IT WAS AWESOME. It TOTALLY lived up to the hype! At first, I wasn't really impressed because it was cute but still a kiddy movie. Then the dragons BLEW me away. Toothless, the main dragon, is very obviously modeled after a cat and Lauren and I kept squealing about its adorable mannerisms and huge, vivid green eyes. TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! I want one! <3

lol, movie, actors

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