Oh China. ^^;

Apr 02, 2010 21:35

So, Dad called from a train station in Beijing because (JUST FOR KICKS) he decided that he wanted to ride on the high speed train to Tianjin, about 73 miles (117 km) away. (Btw, China's high speed train service can reach average speeds of 200+ miles/hr (330+ km/hr). WHAAAT. SO JEALOUS. ;A; The U.S. needs to catch up, yo. Although apparently China has begun building these types of railroads for Turkey and already have plans to try and build them in the U.S.)

Apparently, high-speed train tickets are really cheap ($10 for that specific trip, whereas it'd be $20 to get to NYC from my house back in Jersey) and the trains come every 10 minutes.


...Except there's so many people in China that Dad has to wait an hour and a half AFTER he bought the train ticket before he can get on one with seats. OTZ I laughed at him because that problem would probably never occur anywhere else in the world. ^^; I'm glad I can always hop on the next train that comes in the U.S., even if our trains are dingy and not nearly as cool as the ones in China. :/ Ah, underpopulation, how I love you.

In other news, Tekkoshocon is in a week. I love that con dearly, but I don't want to think about it. OTZ

lol, family, china, random, life

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