Wow I fail at keeping up with LJ lately. Sorry. D: If some life changing event just happened in your life, feel free to smack me and let me know.
In other news, one of my suitemates was horribly sick last week (four days with a fever) and I KEPT trying to tell her it might be H1N1, so she mainly stuck her in room and skipped class. Then we found out that the friend that she caught it from DID test positive for H1N1, so it's more than likely that the flu is in our suite somewhere. The strange thing is, none of us have really gotten sick (except for my own roommate, who hasn't been sleeping and has been sick for like, four months on end.) I have a TINY cough (like, two or three coughs a day) but that's pretty normal for me around this time of year. :/ I'm hoping I was just exposed to the virus and am now immune or something.
Also, I've always sucked at multitasking and now that's biting me in the ass. I have to be on top of way too many things atm; insurance, signing up for classes, job applications, school, and all the other good stuff like staying fed and getting enough sleep.
The two classes that I NEED for my last semester before I graduate OVERLAP. WHY?!! STUPID SCHOOL. :< They're actually listed as co-requisites, so WHY WOULD YOU PUT THEM AT THE SAME TIME?! *rage* On top of that, I had a few hours on Friday where I thought that I wouldn't be able to register for my classes 'cause my loans haven't been activated yet and the school thinks that I haven't paid them enough money. =_=; I THINK that's sort of fixed now, but I still have to keep on top of it.
Dad keeps emailing me information from two potential job offers (and by emailing I mean SPAMMING --he's sent about 12 in the last two days) and keeps calling wondering if I have the time to read all the information in all of them. *groan* I know he means well so I never yell at him or anything, but I have two essays due on the same day and I'm trying to keep this semester from being a complete and total failure. :< Hopefully, at some point, I'll kick myself in the ass and actually start applying for jobs. My suitemates have already applied to like, 20 jobs, and I've applied to two. I'm also supposed to have like, four versions of my resume, but yeah, I only have one.
Basically, I think I'm a lazy bum about this job application thing 'cause every aspect of it intimidates me. I know this is REALLY bad because you have to be really pro-active about searching for a job, but I don't know how people balance job hunting on top of college work load and still not go insane or turn into a hermit. @_@;
The worst part about all of this is that the more I freak out about school issues, the more I want to play Pokemon. =____=;
On the bright side, Dad is home and back in the States for half a month, so I get to see him for Thanksgiving. :3