Nov 23, 2009 16:54

Lovely. Murphy's Law, school bureaucracy and the NIH are all screwing me over. On top of the general list of stuff due today and tomorrow (I HATE that everything is due before Thanksgiving), here's all the stuff I just figured out went wrong today:

1. NIH emailed me wanting a copy of my insurance card, which I don't have 'cause I just switched to the school's insurance for the month of November. I went to talk to the school and they said that the card won't even get to my house (which, by the way, is in the next state) for a few weeks. (I start volunteering with the NIH Dec. 15. Yeeeeah.) So now the school has to get some supervisor or other to email the NIH with my personal information, provided that my documents even go THROUGH the system within a reasonable amount of time. (If this can be fixed by next week, I'll cry of joy.)

2. Yeah. No one told me that I needed like, three Dean signatures to take a class at U.Pitt (which is, physically, right next doors). I don't even know what any of the Deans LOOK like, let alone where they are and when they'll be avaliable.

3. For some reason, I can't access THIS semester's classes because we're already registered for next semester. I let my advisor know a few days ago that I'm still registered for Physics and that needs to be fixed. She never got back to me, but I just got an email from my Physics TA, who apparently thinks I'm dead because I haven't taken any exams and have not gone to class. I called my advisor and she said that since it's so late, I'll have to physically meet up with a Dean to get it fixed. JOY.

4. Did I mention I really hate how universities are run? Yeah.

I feel kind of bad because I've been ignoring calls from my family in the last few days. It's like every time they call, I end up on the phone for an hour, and I just can't spare that amount fo time. @_@ And then when I'm very curt with them and tell them I have to go, I end up guilt tripping myself for a few hours because I think I've hurt them. AUGH.

emo, school, life

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