APH Fic Twisted chapter 12

Jul 22, 2011 20:43

Title: Twisted
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Mexico, England
Rating: M for safety. And suicide.
Warnings: Suicide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After the financial gang bang happened and burdened by the memories America chooses to commit suicide in order to escape the pain. Tormented by guilt England prepares a spell to bring him back. Only he had no desire to come back and now that he is, he wants only revenge.

France, England, and Canada were silent as they entered America’s house. Canada was carrying a sleeping Emily in his arms, tear trails drying on her face.

He walked up the stairs and picked one of the rooms, none of them had anything to tell which belonged to whom, and gently laid her on the bed. He slid her boots and socks off before he covered her and closed the door behind him as he left.

When he came back downstairs England was simply staring into the fireplace and France was helping himself to some of America’s liquor.

“If he didn’t come back by now.” England said. “Then he’s not coming back at all. America is dead.”

Canada sighed. “You shouldn’t have brought him back in the first place England.”

England nodded. “I know. That was my mistake and I take full blame for it.”

France shook his head. “That’s not the mistake.”

The other two looked at him.


France sighed. “That wasn’t the mistake. The mistake is what we all did to America.”

England dropped his gaze. “That is true. Had we never done that there would’ve been no suicide. No need to bring him back and therefore no need for revenge.”

“What I want to know is why the others haven’t come back.” Canada said. “America might’ve killed them but they still were nations. Why didn’t they come back when America killed them?”

“And for that matter why isn’t America coming back himself?” France asked.

England was looking around the house. “Every person that uses magic.” he said. “Needs to have a place where they store everything that they use. Books, arrays, everything. I want to see that room and see if America had something to do with it.”

“He did.” a quiet female voice said. The three of them turned to the stairs where Emily was making her way down towards them. “At least I am pretty sure that he did.”

England was still looking at her with suspicion. “How do we know that we can trust you?”

Canada sighed heavily as he stood up and walked to her side. “She killed America.” he told England and France. “Is that enough for you?”

Emily looked to the side and shook her head slightly before looking at the other two.

“He had a room that we weren’t allowed in.” she said. “It’s the basement. Follow me.”

The three of them followed Emily down the hallway and to a door that she opened. Pushing the light switch to the side she walked them down a wooden staircase to another door, this one made of metal. She opened it and held it for the other three to enter.

Books covered the tables and the floors along with documents that were written all over in America’s handwriting. Arrays were drawn on the walls and in the middle of the ground. England was almost running around the room murmuring to himself as he examined every inch of the room.

Emily was watching the three of them silent with her hands grasping her arms in support. Canada placed his arm around her shoulders in comfort.

England stepped away from the arrays and nodded his head. “Thought so.”

France glanced around the room. “That America was completely and incredibly insane?”

“No. well he was but not that.” England said. He pointed to the arrays. “He used magic to keep the others from coming back to life. Son of a bitch.”

Canada cleared his throat. “Don’t talk about our mother like that.” he warned.

“Apologizes.” England said. “However after he killed a certain nation he came here and used these combined with his magic to ensure that they wouldn’t be able to come back.”

“So where does that leave us?” France asked.

“We need to get rid of these.” England said. He glanced at the others. “Please leave the room. I will take of everything myself. Make sure to close the door behind you.”

Emily, Canada, and France nodded as they left the room. France glanced back at England who was looking at the arrays with a look of determination on his face.

Over the course of the next few hours the three of them heard yells, screams, cursing, and explosions from the basement. They tried their best to ignore it as Canada tried to teach Emily more about the twenty-first century and France had gone out to buy her some proper clothes. She no longer wished to wear either the Italians uniforms or the clothes her father had bought her.

It was well into the next morning when the three of them were waking up in the living room, none of them wished to leave the others, before England fumbled up the stairs looking exhausted and accomplished.

“It’s done.” he said with a smile.
Veneziano and Romano were jerked awake; their last memories still fresh in their minds. Romano immediately looked to where Veneziano was and jumped onto him, hugging him and trying to punch him at the same time.

“You idiot!” Romano screeched. “You goddamned idiot! How can you scare me like that! How can you!”

Veneziano laughed as he pulled his arms around Romano and hugged him close. Both brothers had tears running down their faces.

“We’re alive brother.” Veneziano whispered. “We’re alive.”
Spain moaned as he held his hand up to where his own axe had gone through his chest. Easily one of the worst deaths he had ever faced.

He sighed and leaned against the wall as his hand automatically went to the cross on his neck.

“Roma.” he whispered.

His phone started to ring however he ignored it concentrating on getting feeling back into his body.

His answering machine answered the phone call. He could dimly hear the recording he had left there.

Until the other persons voice came through the machine.

“Spain! Spain you bastard! I know your home! Answer your goddamned phone! Oy! Tomato bastard!”

Spain’s eyes opened in shock.

It was Romano’s voice.

Ignoring his protesting muscles he jumped towards the phone and brought it to his ear.

“Romano?” he yelled into the phone his heart pounding.

There was silence on the other end causing him to go numb for a moment before the voice finally said “About time! Why the hell weren’t you picking up your phone?”
Cold. It was so cold.

Snow. Ice. Snow. Ice.

Russia opened his eyes slowly. The shining sun hit his eyes causing him to close them again.

He breathed in air. He could feel the coldness of the snow.

He smiled slightly.

He was alive again.
Japan opened his eyes and lifted his head from the table. His body apparently had fallen over onto the table.

He glanced around the room and grimaced slightly at the blood stains that were on the floor. Dried blood stains. It would take forever to clean them up.

He noted his cellphone was dead. Picking it up and standing, with his muscles protesting his every move however he ignored them, he walked to where his charger was and plugged it in.

He glanced at his house phone and saw messages for him.

He pressed the play button. The first was from Greece.

“Japan? Are you alright? Please pick up. Japan come on. I am really worried. Japan?! Did Turkey do something to you? Because you know I will kick his ass.”

Japan shook his head in amusement. The second message was also from Greece.

“Japan I swear if you do not answer this next message I am going to very mad. And I will no longer give you kittens.”

He couldn’t help but to laugh. Third message still from Greece.

“Japan really! I am really worried! Please call me!”

The next one was actually from China.

“Japan didn’t we have a meeting together? Why did you not come? And why is Greece calling me so often asking about you? Are you alright? Call me when you can. Aru.”

Japan shook his head in amusement. Forgoing to listen to the other messages he picked up the phone and dialed Greece’s number.

There were three ringtones before a sleepy voice answered “Hello?”

“Greece? It’s me.”
The phone ringing is what brought Germany out of his slumber. Automatically reaching for the phone, while ignoring his screaming limbs and rolling his brother off of his back, he brought the phone to his ear.


The most wonderful voice met his ears. “Germany? Are you okay? Are you awake?”

Germany felt all feeling leave his body.

It was the first G8 meeting since before the suicide of America. The other nations were apprehensive about attending and were fidgeting in their chairs slightly.

Germany, Prussia, North Italy, South Italy, Japan and Russia all glanced up at the doors when England and France entered the room. Following behind them was Canada and a girl they easily recognized clad in a long dress.

The noise level increased instantly. Shouts of why is she here and what is going on filled the room.

England went to the front of the room and shouted “Shut. Up.”

The room fell silent. He nodded in approval as he took his seat. France took his as well as Canada. After a moments hesitation Emily sat down in the chair meant for America.

“This past month or so.” England started. “Has been rather hectic.”

“That’s an understatement.” Prussia snorted.

Continuing on as if he hadn’t heard Prussia England said “I have brought you here for this simple thing. Although America is now dead we owe him an apology.”

“An apology for what!” Romano screeched. “For him killing us?”

England narrowed his eyes. “The reason for everything that has happened was this. We raped America. There is nothing else to call it. It was rape. Because of that he killed himself. I brought him back to life leading to his need for revenge. It all comes back to what we did.”

“And where is America now?” Russia asked.

“Dead.” France said. He nodded towards Emily who had been staring at the table in silence. “This little girl killed him.”

“Pardon me however she is his daughter and worked beside him.” Japan said. “Why on earth would she do that?”

“Because he killed my brother.” Emily said quietly. “I could no longer listen to him because of that and he would’ve killed me if I hadn’t killed him.”

“You’re his daughter?” Veneziano asked. Emily nodded. “Why haven’t I seen you before?”

“You were the one that was sacrificed to bring me to life.” she said. She pulled the necklaces around her neck and extended her arm towards him. “I believe this belongs to you.”

Romano smacked Veneziano’s arm when he reached for the necklaces. “Don’t touch them! You don’t know what she did to them.” he said as he glared at her.

Emily shrugged as she placed them on the table. “Take them is you wish, I have no desire to hold onto them anymore.”

“So how do we apologize to a dead man?” Germany asked.

“We will take care of that later.” France said. “We have something else to deal with. The land of America has no personification and it needs one.”

Canada glanced at Emily who shook her head at him. Ignoring her protests he stood and said “I think I have the perfect personification.” he held his hand towards Emily. “Her.”

Emily stood as well. “No.”

“I don’t see why not.” France said with a smile. “She is the daughter of America after all.”

“She has the blood of America running through her.” England said. “The perfect candidate when you think of it.”

Emily shook her head. “I wish to have nothing to do with my father!”

“This isn’t something that you can decide on.” Canada said. “And besides, I think the land has made its choice.”

Emily stared up at Canada. “What do you mean?”

“When a personification dies the land rebirths them.” Canada explained. “It gives them life again. However this time it didn’t do it with America. Because it already choose you as its new personification.”

“Why me?” she asked.

England shrugged. “Maybe because you are the only one that is left.”

Canada took her hands in his and said gently “Look. What other choice do you have? Live the rest of your days as a human girl? With no family left and on your own in an unfamiliar time and place? Grow old and die? Or stay young forever and live forever?”

Emily shook her head. “I wish to rejoin my brother.”

“You want to die?” France asked. After a moments hesitation she nodded.

“The fact that you hesitated.” England pointed out. “Means that you are not completely certain that is what you want.”

“Come on.” Canada murmured. “Make up your mind.”

“I propose that we have a vote.” England said turning to the others. He glanced at Emily. “If we vote that you should become America, and that means all of us considering that America is a country that affects us all, will you become the new personification?”

Emily slowly nodded.

England turned back to the others. “Those in favor of the new personification being Emily raise your hand.”

Immediately England, France, and Canada raised their hands. Veneziano slowly raised his hand as well. When his brother glared at him their eyes connected in silent communication. Romano was grumbling however he raised his arm as well.

Almost as one Prussia and Germany raised their arms. Russia slowly lifted his arm as well. After glancing around the room once and settling his eyes upon Emily Japan raised his arm as well.

England turned to Emily. “They have spoken. What do you say?”

Emily said nothing as she glanced around the room.
America sighed as she leaned against the building they had just left.

A World Meeting. With her formal introduction to the other nations of the entire world as the new personification of America.

Of course all of them had demanded to know what happened in the last month. With the disappearances of so many important nations it was bound to be noticed.

And finally the entire story came out. From the beginning to the end.

She sighed again before she walked forward. She was tired of the looks that other nations gave her as they left the building.

They had this meeting in New York for whatever reason. She was still trying to figure out everything that had come with being the new personification and with the year difference.

She missed her brother. Her twin. She was used to having him by her side, she missed his presence.

However he was dead now. And she was alive. Alive and the personification of America.

She glanced to her right and then her left. The complete contrast of boys and girls from this time to the time she was born. It was astounding.

And something that she had to get used to.

She glanced upwards and smiled. She knew that her brother was in heaven watching over her.

America smiled and continued forward towards her home.

england, italy, practice, romano, japan, fanfic, au, france, russia, canada, prussia, america, de-anon, aph, sitaly, spain, germany

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