APH Twisted chapter 13

Jul 22, 2011 20:45

Title: Twisted
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Mexico, England
Rating: M for safety. And suicide.
Warnings: Suicide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After the financial gang bang happened and burdened by the memories America chooses to commit suicide in order to escape the pain. Tormented by guilt England prepares a spell to bring him back. Only he had no desire to come back and now that he is, he wants only revenge.

America opened his eyes and looked around. He couldn’t really tell where he was. The entire place was blank and white, as far as the eye could see.

However he heard someone singing lightly. A hymn he believed. America stood and looked around.

Anthony was sitting on the ground a few feet away, his eyes closed and one leg bent towards him. He was humming a song while somehow mouthing the words.

Anthony opened his eyes slowly and gazed at America.

“Hello father.” he said.

“Anthony.” America whispered. Tears started to fill his eyes as he recognized where they were. Limbo, the place after death and before your placement. “Anthony. I…”

Anthony held a hand up. “It’s alright; I was uncomfortable living in that new world either way.”

“That doesn’t excuse me actions.” America whispered. “Killing you, my own son.”

Anthony shrugged. His eyes and a smile on his lips. He looked freer than he had ever since the moment of his second awakening.

Anthony shook his head in amusement at his father. He tilted his head back and continued humming his song.

“Where is Emily?” America asked almost afraid of the answer. “Did she die as well?”

“If she had.” Anthony said almost lazily. “Then she would be here with us. She survived.”

America breathed a sigh of relief. “At least she is alive.”

“She didn’t want to be however.” Anthony said. “I was watching her for quite some time. She wanted to join us in death. However the other nations had different plans for her.”

America looked at his son sharply. “What other plans?”

“Calm yourself father, they desire her to be the new America.” Anthony said. “I had seen their thoughts. They believe that she will be easy to control so that they can gain what they wish from her.”

America snarled, a sense of his rage returning.

“However they did not count on Canada being so protective over her.” Anthony continued ignoring his father. “He is not allowed them to overstep any of their boundaries. And he is teaching Emily on recognizing and stopping that behavior. She is getting quite good at it too.”

“So she is the new America?” Alfred, now he was Alfred and no longer America, asked.

Anthony glanced at him. “Was that not your plan from the beginning?”

Alfred blushed slightly. “I need to apologize to the both of you. For bringing you into something that had nothing to do with you. I was no better than England when he brought me back.”

Anthony shrugged. “We never hated you for bringing us back, we were merely confused and later we were feeling used.”

Alfred bowed his head. “I’m sorry son.”

“I forgive you.” Anthony said. “However I cannot speak for Emily.”

“What happens now?” Alfred asked. “What happens to you and to me?”

Anthony gazed at him mournfully. “Unfortunately you committed two great sins father. You committed suicide and then you performed black magic to bring two more people back to life. The latter is a greater sin; you are trending in territory where only god can walk. You do not have the permission to enter heaven.”

“What about you?” Alfred asked.

“I have been seen as an innocent being dragged into something I had no desire to be in.” Anthony said. He smiled slightly. “I have been given back my place in heaven.”

Alfred smiled. “Good.”

“And…I spoke for you in the trials of souls.” Anthony said slowly. “While my vouching cannot give you a place in heaven it takes you away from the fires of hell.”

“So where do I go?” Alfred asked frowning.

Anthony smiled. “To where you desired to go to from the moment of your rebirth. To the darkness.”

Alfred brightened. “The darkness.” he whispered longingly.

Anthony nodded. “After I spoke for you it was an almost unanimous decision to place you there. If I had not known better I would have thought that it was because they were afraid you would rule over hell.” Anthony joked.

Alfred laughed slightly as he looked at his son. “Where is Emily now?”

“Now? She is with Estonia.” Anthony said. “The two had gotten quite close; I believe there is love nearing on the horizon. Or perhaps simply friendship, I do not desire to know more of that relationship.”

“Estonia would be a good choice though.” Alfred murmured under his breath.

Anthony shrugged as he looked to the side. When Alfred looked as he well he started slightly. It was almost like one of those old fashioned movies with the screen and projector where an image was being played out. The image being a G8 meeting with Emily standing and looking furious.

“You think you are forgiven?” she demanded. “What on earth makes you believe that you are forgiven for the crimes you committed?”

“If anything you should be begging us for forgiveness.” Prussia retorted. “Seeing as it was you and your insane father that killed us.”

“My insane father and I as you put it” America said coldly. “Would not have had a reason to kill you if all of you had not done what you did.”

“Please understand we had done that for the better of things.” England said.

“The better of things?” America screeched. “Raping a man for crimes that were out of his control is for the better of him?”

“Seeing as he is an irresponsible little brat, yes.” Romano said. America looked close to throwing the chair she had been sitting in at him.

“I cannot understand.” she said. “How so many of the world’s most ‘civilized’” she said the last word with as much sarcasm as possible “nations would be so willing to justify their actions with the simple words of irresponsible and brat.”

“Perhaps you need a demonstration as well.” Russia said leering at her. “Seeing as you are the new America, you need to be properly ordained.”

America’s eyes narrowed and the shadows curled around her as she hissed “Try and see just what will happen to you. I still have the powers that my father had left me, remember that.”

America closed her eyes and sighed in hope to regain her composure; she looked at everyone in the room and opened her eyes.

“Everyone here.” she said. “Is to go to my father’s grave and properly apologize. If anyone does not” she raised her voice over the protests “Then I will show you personally just why father brought myself and my brother back to life in order to help with his quest for revenge. A revenge that I believe is completely justified in his doing.”

“I like that she is finally getting confidence enough to yell at everyone.” Anthony said.

Alfred couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face. “That’s my little girl.”

They continued to watch as the scene continued. America had gotten everyone to agree with her agreements and they were all gathering their belongings.

“Make no mistake.” she said with one foot out the door. “That while I cannot speak for my father I myself can never forgive any of you for what you have done, remember that and pray for forgiveness. Or the hope that you will one day be forgiven.”

Anthony glanced at his father. “Do you forgive them? Now or ever?”

Alfred slowly shook his head. “I can never forgive them.”

Canada looked up from his papers when America came out of the room. He walked to her side and asked “So how did it go?”

America sighed. “They refused to listen and I had to threaten them, however they will go to my father’s grave and apologize, seeing that it is all they are able to do.”

“You did enough.” Canada said. Uncle and niece walked together in silence as they left the building. America looked at Canada beseechingly.

“You are coming with me back home right?” she asked. “I still get so lonely there.”

Canada nodded. “Of course I am.”

America smiled.

“Although I thought you might’ve preferred Estonia’s company to my own.” Canada slyly said.

America blushed suddenly, the red color spreading among her face quickly.

“We are just friends.” she whispered.

Canada snickered. “I’ve seen the way you guys look at each other, that isn’t just friends.”

America shook her head and quickly changed the subject. “It is still so weird being this personification, I am still having trouble getting used to all the new voices in my head.”

Canada shrugged. “That’s America, ten million different opinions and you hear them all. That’s what you get for being a melting pot country.”

Alfred shook his head in amusement. “I’m happy to see that they are so close now.” he said softly.

Anthony nodded as he glanced around. “It’s time to go father.”

Alfred nodded slowly as he watched his son. “This is…the last time we will see each other, isn’t it?”

“Most likely.” Anthony said. He stepped forward and embraced his father. Father and son held onto one another as long as they were able to before separating.

“I love you son.” Alfred said softly before turning and walking away.

Alfred heard his son’s footsteps going into the other direction before there was a flash of light and when he turned to look back he was alone.

Alfred smiled and shook his head as he closed his eyes. The familiar tendrils of shadows and darkness were weaving around and onto him pulling him back into the wonderful and loving embrace of the darkness. A mother welcoming her child home.

Before he crossed back, in the back of his mind he could hear the nations talking to his grave and apologizing. Alfred sneered, as if he would ever forgive them for what they had done. They didn’t deserve to be forgiven.

He knew Emily, no not Emily anymore it was America now, would do a good job in his place and make him proud. She knew how and what he had felt and would make sure not to trust any of them too much.

Alfred smiled and surrendered himself to the darkness.

england, fanfic, france, russia, canada, prussia, america, sitaly, aph, germany, japan

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