APH Twisted chapter 11

Jul 22, 2011 20:40

Title: Twisted
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Mexico, England
Rating: M for safety. And suicide.
Warnings: Suicide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After the financial gang bang happened and burdened by the memories America chooses to commit suicide in order to escape the pain. Tormented by guilt England prepares a spell to bring him back. Only he had no desire to come back and now that he is, he wants only revenge.

Emily looked up at her father, tears still running down her face.

“How could you do that to him?” she whispered.

America shrugged. “He was a disobedient child. I have no need for those. Speaking of which.” he said, his eyes narrowing. “Where do you stand?”

Emily didn’t answer as her fingers trailed over Anthony’s face lovingly.

America sighed. “My little girl. I asked you a question. Where do you-”

“Don’t.” Emily interrupted looked up at her father. As she stood the front of her clothes were covered in blood. “Call me. Your little girl. I am no longer your daughter.”

America’s eyes narrowed. “So you are betraying me as well. Your father.”

“My father.” Emily said. “Died to me the moment he brought me back to life.”

“Traitor.” America hissed. He crouched slightly preparing to leap at her.

However unlike Canada and Anthony Emily had been prepared and blocked his attempt to kill her the same way as he had with Anthony. She brought his arm down and using it as leverage lifted herself to kick in solidly in the stomach.

America grabbed her leg that she kicked him with and swung her through the wall and into the kitchen.

The counter stopped her as she banged against it. Not stopping for a moment to catch her breathe Emily jumped to the side to avoid her father’s next attack.

America swore when he felt his hand go through the tiles of the counter. Glancing to where Emily was he quickly commanded his shadows to attack her.

Emily was quick to dodge the attempts the shadows made and glancing around quickly she grabbed a chair that had been toppled over and throwing it at her father.

America raised an arm to grab the chair and threw it back against his daughter. Unprepared for the attack Emily fell to the ground.

America quickly grabbed her neck and slammed her head into the ground. Emily felt the back of her head open slightly as blood started to pool underneath her. America squeezed her throat tighter.

“Since you decided to fight me like that.” he hissed. “I will simply squeeze the life out of you.”

Emily clawed for breathe. When she tried to raise her own shadows America used his free arm to punch her swiftly on the stomach. She felt a few ribs break from the punch.

“Don’t even think about it.” America snarled.

Shots rang out through the kitchen and through America’s arms and legs. He looked up almost lazily to the doorway where Canada stood with a gun in hand shooting his brother.

America laughed as he tightened his grip around Emily’s neck once more. “You think that will be enough to stop me Canada?”

Using this distraction Emily looked to the side where a knife lay having fallen from her banging against the counter.

Praying that America wouldn’t notice she used her arm to reach for it. Her shaking hand slowly made its way towards the handle. Her vision was starting to swim and dim and she could feel her lungs start to stop.

Canada saw what she was doing and continued in his attempt to keep his brothers attention on him. When he shot America once more America gave out a grumble of annoyance and with a blast of magic blew his brother across the room.

Emily’s hand curled around the handle of the knife.

Before America could turn back to her she brought the knife forward towards his back. She didn’t know if it was fate or luck however when she brought the knife forward and through his back the point on the knife came out on the side of his body where his heart was.

America paused and looked at the knife that had gone through his body. His grip on her throat loosened slightly.

Using this moment Emily jerked the knife to the side so that it came out and using her body threw her father off of her. She gasped for breath while from the corner of her eye she saw Canada appear once more in the doorway.

America was looking at the wound she had created and then towards her. His eyes filled with hatred.

“You bitch!” he screamed. He started towards her.

Emily jumped towards her father, knife in hand. This time she knocked him to the ground and brought the knife once more through his heart.

America didn’t move as she brought the knife through his chest a second time. A third time. A fourth time. A fifth.

The light started to fade from his eyes as he grinned up at her.

“That’s my girl.” he breathed. “That’s my little girl.”

He gave her one more grin before he opened his hand to reveal a lit lighter. Before she could move he threw it at the stove.

Where unknown to her one of the pipes that had brought gas into the house had cracked open and leaked from when she had been thrown against the counter.

Moving fast Canada grabbed Emily off of America who simply lay back on the broken tiled floor and closed his eyes in order to peacefully wait for death. Wrenching free of Canada’s grasp Emily ran to where her brothers body lay and tried to drag him out of the house.

“We don’t have time!” Canada yelled at her grabbing her arm once more and trying to pull her. “We need to get out!”

“No!” Emily screamed. “I’m not leaving without him!”

“You have to!” Canada yelled.

“No!” Emily screamed.

Cursing slightly Canada grabbed her around the waist and started to pull her towards the door. Emily tried to get out of his grasp as smoke started to fill the house, her arm extended towards her brother.

“No!” she screamed. “No! Let me take him! Or at least let me die beside him!” she pleaded.

Ignoring her pleas Canada continued to pull her out of the house. Just as they were able to get out an explosion rocked the house and throwing them a few feet away.

“No!” Emily screamed. “Anthony!”

Emily fell to her knees sobbing. “Anthony. Anthony.” she sobbed.

Canada came up to her and somewhat awkwardly patted her on her back. “It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.”

Deciding not to hesitate anymore, he had nothing to fear from this child anymore, he sat down beside her and pulled her onto his lap and rocked her slightly and allowing her to sob into his shirt while murmuring “It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.” over and over again.
“I still don’t think that was a good idea.” France said following England. “Leaving poor Canada alone against that beast.”

England rolled his eyes. “Canada is his brother. There is no way that he would attack his own brother. We just needed some time to get away.”

“I somehow severely doubt that he would hesitate to hurt Canada.” France said. He looked back towards his house and felt the blood drain from his body. “My house!”

England looked back and felt his jaw drop. A fiery inferno was now blazing where Frances house once stood. “What on earth is going on?”

France threw England a disgusted look. “America not hurting his brother.” He immediately began to run towards his house once more. After some hesitation England followed him as well.

What stopped them into freezing was the sight of Canada holding Emily to him. Emily was sobbing and Canada it seemed was trying to soothe her.

“Canada!” France nearly screeched. “What are you doing? Get away from her before she kills you!”

Canada looked up at the both of them tiredly before glancing at the sobbing girl in his arms.

“She’s not going to hurt anyone anymore.” he said. “Besides I’m her uncle and really all she has now.”

He glanced behind him to the house that was engulfed in flames. They could hear the sirens from the fire trucks approaching them.

“It’s over.” Canada said. “It’s all over.”

england, fanfic, france, america, aph, canada

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