APH Twisted chapter 10

Jul 22, 2011 20:38

Title: Twisted
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Mexico, England
Rating: M for safety. And suicide.
Warnings: Suicide.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After the financial gang bang happened and burdened by the memories America chooses to commit suicide in order to escape the pain. Tormented by guilt England prepares a spell to bring him back. Only he had no desire to come back and now that he is, he wants only revenge.

“The next person we attack is France.” America announced over breakfast the next day.

Anthony and Emily looked up from their plates. “France?”

America nodded as he sipped from his cup of coffee. “Is there a problem?”

Anthony frowned slightly. “Didn’t you say that Canada and France are close? Wouldn’t he try to help France?”

America shrugged. “If he knew what was good for him he won’t.”

“And if he does?” Emily asked.

America grinned. “Then we make sure that he knows not to interfere. Get dressed both of you.” he ordered.

Anthony and Emily obediently got up and went to their rooms to change.

“Isn’t Canada his own brother?” Emily asked as they walked up the stairs.

“He is willing to attack his brother who had nothing to do with it.” Anthony murmured.

Siblings looked at one another in silence for a moment.

“I love you brother.” Emily said suddenly.

“And I love you sister.” Anthony said.

Biting her lip Emily stepped forward and embraced her brother.

“What’s wrong?” Anthony murmured into her hair.

Emily pressed her cheek against his chest. “I just…I just feel that something is going to go wrong today.” she said.

Anthony took her face in his hands. “I swear, nothing is going to happen to you.”

“And what about you?” she asked.

Anthony hesitated before he shook his head.

“I’m your older brother.” he said. “It’s my job to take care of and look after you, not the other way around.”

“It’s part of being a younger sister.” Emily said. “It’s my job to worry about my older brother.”
France was pacing up and down his living room with his hands behind his back. He was mumbling under his breathe and looked close to pulling out his own hair.

“For the love of everything good frog.” England finally snapped. “Sit. The fuck. Down.”

“You try to sit down when you know that death is approaching you.” France exclaimed.

Canada stood and placed a hand on his shoulder. “England is right France. You need to relax.”

“I told him to sit down.” England said. “I said nothing about relaxing.”

Canada shot him a look and pushed France into a chair. “Sit.” he ordered. He pushed a cup of coffee into Frances hand. “Drink.”

France glanced at the cup. “I wouldn’t mind something a little stronger than coffee my dear Canada.” he said as he sipped.

“I don’t think that will be a good idea.” Canada said.

England looked up suddenly and stood. “They are here.”

Canada glanced around the room. “Are you sure?”

The front door was suddenly blasted off its hinges making them duck to avoid the flying pieces of wood.

“Pretty sure.” England said.

Canada bit back his retort when he saw his brother and his children walk in. He straightened up and said “Hello there America, nice to see you.”

France glanced at him in shock. “He is here to kill me and you are being polite to him?”

America smiled and tilted his head. “Hello there Canada, nice to see you as well. How have you been?”

Canada shrugged. “I’ve been alright, can’t really complain. You?”

America grinned. “Never better.”

Canada nodded. “Good to know. Now why are you here?”

“Oh I thought that I would walk around the country, see the sights.” America said. “What on earth do you think I am here for?”

“America.” Canada sighed. “You need to stop.”

America shook his head. “No can do Canada. Now please step to the side and let me finish. And since England is here I can do two in one day.”

Canada shook his head. “America. Brother. I am sorry but I can’t let you do this. France and England. They were our fathers. And I know what they did to you was bad but that doesn’t excuse what you are doing is worse.”

“So you’re saying that they were in the right and I am in the wrong?” America asked.

Canada shook his head. “I’m saying that two wrongs don’t make a right.”

America shrugged. “I don’t really care. I just want them out of this world.”

Canada stepped in front of them. “And I’m sorry but I can’t allow that.”

America sighed. “Canada. You are my brother and my twin. I don’t want to hurt you, however I will if you continue to do this.”

Canada spread his arms. “Do your worst America.”

Before he could blink America was in front of him and grabbed him by his throat, lifting him inches off the ground.

“I didn’t want to hurt you brother.” America breathed. “However you brought me no choice.”

He threw Canada at the wall causing him to go through it slightly. He turned to where England France had stood to find the room empty except his children. Apparently Canada was to distract him while the other two made their escape.

America shrugged. He will find them later. He walked to where Canada was struggling to get up and placed his foot directly over Canada’s ribs. When he pressed down hard enough he felt the satisfying crack of broken ribs accompanied by Canada’s scream of pain.

“Tell me brother.” America said pressing down harder. “How is the taste of betrayal?”


Everyone in the room paused before looking at the source of the voice.

Anthony looked scared however he stood straight and repeated “Stop.”

“Stop what son?” America asked.

“Everything.” Anthony said. “I am sick and tired of you killing everyone. Now you are killing your brother!” his voice was getting louder with each word. “That is not what brothers do! They protect their siblings! They don’t hurt them!”

America stared at his son quietly.

“I am tired of all of this father.” Anthony said. “I no longer wish to be a part of it.”

“So you are betraying me as well.” America said slowly.

Anthony shook his head. “I am not betraying you. Just leaving. I had enough.”

“Betrayal.” America said. “Through and through. Well there is really one way to fix this.”

Before anyone in the room could move America was in front of Anthony and without hesitating thrusted his arm forward through Anthony’s stomach.

“I will not have disobedient children.” America hissed.

Emily watched in horror as her brother paled immediately and looked down slowly at America’s arm that had gone through his stomach. When America retracted his arm Anthony fell to the ground.

“Anthony!” Emily screamed. She ran to his side and held him in her arms. “Brother!”

She lifted him so that she supported her his body and held him close to her. Blood started to come through his mouth.

“Brother no.” Emily sobbed. “Please. Please don’t leave me.”

Anthony’s eyes were staring straight at the ceiling as he mouthed words. Quietly Emily was able to make out some of the words.

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul.” Anthony prayed. “he leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

Emily joined in with him clutching his body to hers, one hand holding his hand and the other hand holding his face.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” they recited together. “I fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Emily was holding back tears as sobs rang through her body.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” they came to a finish.

“Please lord our god.” Anthony murmured. “Forgive us for our sins.”

His and Emily’s eyes connected for a moment. He smiled at her slightly before he closed his eyes and his hand dropped to the ground.

Emily’s sobs ran through the house while Canada was leaning against the wall crying quietly and America looked on with a look of indifference on his face.

england, fanfic, france, america, aph, canada

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