Ancient meme Pt IV

Jul 08, 2020 08:30

31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

Obviously, if I'm writing off piste, it's not strictly canon compliant, if I'm writing a strictly canon fic, it is. But, subject to my ever trying my hand at a full-on AU, I try and stick within the universe of the show - so no iPads in CI5, or punk innocents in U.N.C.L.E. HQ.

32. How do you feel about smut?

Yes, please.

33. How do you feel about crack?

Less keen, unlike smut, I often don't find it funny.

34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?

Context is everything...

35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?

Yep: 'All Thy Tears' (Pros) | 'Tomorrow' (MFU)

36. Which is your favourite site to post fic?

AO3, I think. I used to like, but it's become very awkward - at one point they banned the question's not been rehabilitated.

37. Talk about your current WIPs.

Are you mad? No one has that amount of time! Suffice it to say, they are legion.

38. Talk about a review that made your day.

They all make my day. Reviews are fab; good, bad and ugly.

39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

Don't think I've ever had a rude review, that's not the same as a bad review, you can be polite and critical at the same time. I'd probably just ignore trolling - or report it.

40. Write an alternative ending to a fic (or just the summary of one).

I'd love to see a Gen version of 'Waiting to Fall' (Pros) by Rob, I ran across it blind on the Circuit Archive and was enjoying it as a Gen fic, until things took an unexpected, and famously slashy, turn - at which point, I continued to enjoy it as a non-Gen fic. I have tried my hand writing an alternative ending to 'Angel in the Dark' (Pros), now available in a gorgeous illustrated version on AO3, by Thomas, just for me, but I got distracted by other things - more WIP. I did un-slash 'No Greater Love' (Pros) by Joana Dey - ' A New Refrain' - but only as a writing exercise because I wanted to see if you could write a credible Gen version involving such an intimate scenario - not because I buy into any crusades. Hopefully, the days when writers felt the need to justify gay characters, or worse, 'correct' stories that contain them, are long gone.

Since I mentioned 'Angel in the Dark', have some gratuitous Suzan Lovett (clink on the pic for the circuit archive where you can explore Suzan Lovett's work further):


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