Ancient meme Pt III

Jul 07, 2020 08:30

21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?

Quite a few, I revise constantly as I write, and then separately for spelling and typos, and all that jazz.

22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style.

The 'Sacred Dying' (ST:TOS) was one of the first fics I posted. It was supposed to be a faithful recreation of TOS:Trek, which I think it is, but my Bessie said it read like a school 'creative writing' exercise.

So a typical passage from the posted fic is:

'After the meal Kirk and McCoy each retired to one of the bed chambers. Long service in Starfleet had taught them to take their rest where they could get it. Spock also took a room, but did not sleep. He stood at the open window drinking in the warm air filled with the subtle and sweet scents of unseen flowers. Spock allowed himself few sensual pleasures, viewing them, with typical Vulcan suspicion, as a distraction from the discipline of logic. But he could be, and on occasion allowed himself to be, moved by beauty. He shut his eyes. His acute hearing picking up the sound of distant birdsong; it would not have been audible to human ears. Had he been human he would have smiled, but he was not. Or at least he had chosen long ago not to be, and even alone and unseen he would not and did not smile.'

I would stick with the same canon vibe, because it was deliberately chosen, but I might write it now as:

'After the meal, long service in Starfleet having taught them to take their rest where they could get it, Kirk and McCoy each retired to one of the bed chambers. Spock also chose a room, but he did not sleep. Instead, he stood at the open window drinking in the warm air and the subtle, sweet scents of unseen flowers.

Spock permitted himself few sensual pleasures, viewing them, with typical Vulcan suspicion, as a distraction from the discipline of logic. But he could be, and on occasion allowed himself to be, moved by beauty. Spock closed his eyes, his acute hearing picking up the sound of distant birdsong; it would not have been audible to human ears. If it had been, and he had been human, he might have smiled, but since he was not, or at least had chosen long ago not to be, even alone and unseen, he did not smile.'

23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?

Some of them would benefit more than others, but I don't think any of them are hopeless from start to finish.

24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

No, but I keep meaning to move one, which will involve deleting it from where it's at and reposting it to where it should be.

25. What do you look for in a beta?

I don't usually use a beta, happy to take on board con-crit though (see question 22).

26. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?

I don't beta other people, I don't think I have the skills. But I self-edit, and in that role, I'm quite pragmatic and can be quite ruthless with over-flowery verbiage. (Given my writing style, you can imagine the self-indulgent dross I have to wade through!).

27. How do you feel about collaborations?

Never tried a writing collaboration, working with artists for my Pros BB offerings though was a fabulous experience.

Have some fabulous art (click on the pics to take you through to even more fab art):


GiseeRouchon:                                      DoyleOnCanvas(Boothros):

28. Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.

How am I supposed to choose? I love so many fic - see my previous posts on the subject - and I'm halfway through working up another month's worth of posts on all the fab stuff out there.

29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

Not a hypothetical question, I already have. Examples include: Redfiona's 'Three Times Is Either Enemy Action or Cowley' (Pros)  - 'Friendly Fire' - and Sylvie Orp's 'And Then There Were Three' (Pros)  - 'And Bodie Makes Four'.

30. Do you accept prompts?

What, just randomly? S'pose I might, I've solicited prompts, and joined in prompt challenges. ' Easter Parade' (MFU) was written for the 2017 Easter Eggs at mfuwss celebration, a lovely affair wherein folk post prompts for an 'egg' and then an anonymous scribbler nabs them and surprises their chosen victim with their 'egg' sometime over Easter.

Have another pic (click on the pic to enlarge).

the man from u.n.c.l.e, meme, star trek, art, the professionals

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