First anniversary, yay!

Dec 23, 2007 23:36

I'm not really one who loves anniversaries and stuff like that (like, I remember birthdays and other things but I don't like very much celebrating them). But, anyway, this one required a little lj post.

One year ago, I wrote my declaration of fandom slavery to eryslash and she wrote hers back. It was a very special moment, and it needs to be remembered now, on its first anniversary.

This year in the fandom was full of things. We found each other in House, MD (she was the Wilson to my House), crossed more or less together the Little Miss Sunshine moment (that was short) and eventually landed on Heroes (she was, and still is, the best Peter ever to my Nathan). She fed me with wonderful drawings, and I failed at tried to do the same with my writing, which is inconstant and sometimes tiring, but at least I always tried to do my best. We fed each other with our RPGs, and that's an infinite pleasure every time.
We dealt with all sort of things, fandom wars, RPS, theories, metas, bad!fics, translations, MSTs, happy bashings, famigghias, OMFGs, raging Cottons, incests, bearded uncles, Nietzchian nephews, WTF?!s, flying men, amazing sponges, God-like pasdars, Adonis-like milos, and so much more that I can't tell. We had good times that were really good, and bad times that were really bad, and we also had times that weren't bad nor good, and we liked them too and took them as they came.
It wasn't always pleasant, but it was something, and that's all that matters. I can't explain more, because words just don't fit, they never do. But I know that they who must understand already did.


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