Oct 10, 2006 03:53
So apparently I don't sleep anymore? Zuh? Brain, wanna do something about this? If I were asleep i wouldn't have the urge to go have a cigarette, and since it's almost 4 AM I'm scared to go outside especially since I've been reading that book about serial killers. And watching those TV shows about serial killers. GODDAMNIT BRAIN, EITHER PREVENT ME FROM SLEEPING OR HAVE A SICK FASCINATION WITH SERIAL KILLERS. NOT BOTH.
Also I have to do stuff tomorrow such as drive back to school and I'd rather not die in a fiery Volvo explosion.
Note: The only way to die in a Volvo is to crash into a tanker full of gasoline or drive off a cliff. Or if you happen to die of natural causes while in a Volvo, like say for instance a heart attack, or a stroke, or a gunshot wound.