Oct 11, 2006 04:03
My computer clock mysteriously changed itself to November 10, when in fact it is October 11. I mean, I fixed it and everything, but what the fuck. What the fuck is that, computer?
My one class tomorrow is officially canceled. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand that class is super interesting and my professor is the smartest man on earth. On the other hand, I'm awake now at 3:41ish and I'm going to be really tired tomorrow, and also I didn't read anything for it over the weekend because the readings weren't online. All in all it's for the best.
Every once in a while when my brain is extra retarded, I don't sleep normally. I'll stay awake for super long periods of time because I can't fall asleep, and then I'll sleep a very little bit and then have to get up to do things because I have things to do, and then I can't fall asleep again. And in an effort to reestablish a semi-normal sleep routine, I'll stay awake for more than 24 hours straight so that MAYBE I can go to sleep at a decentish hour and sleep enough for once. I think I might try this today/tonight. I woke up at 2:30 pm yesterday after falling asleep at 6:30 am. Not because I wanted to stay up that late. I like staying up late, but to a reasonable extent, and when I don't have tons of obligations that involve driving for two hours, because I really don't think I'd like that "I sure hope I don't fall asleep driving!" feeling.
So I think I might just stay up forever, ie. until 9 PMish tonight, and then be able to sleep until whenever pretty much on Thursday due to scheduling whatever that worked out that I don't have anything to do on this particular Thursday. It might work. Of course there is the unpleasant staying awake until then part. I've done it a lot in the past, but it's unpleasant, not only because I'm tired pretty much the whole time, even in the "I'm so tired I'm running around in circles because I've gotten a second or third wind" stage, but also because it involves being by myself a lot in the middle of the night, which is a lot more depressing at school than at home, because at home there is TV and there are delightful cats who like to be petted. At school, I'm just like, "Yep. Sitting in a room. By myself. Playing Tetris Attack/updating my stupid journal again when really I should be doing work, but I'm too tired to do anything comprehensible work-wise, but APPARENTLY NOT TIRED ENOUGH TO FALL ASLEEP. I wonder when my friends will wake up."
This whole being unable to fall asleep until 5 or 6 AM thing has been happening since Thursdayish. My normal sleep routine involves a lot of tossing and turning until like maybe 1 or 2ish, but this is ridunkulous and shitty. Last summer was the first time I can remember where I'd get into bed at like 10 and fall asleep within twenty minutes. Every goddamn night. And then I'd be able to get up and get to work by 9. It was glorious. People who don't have problems sleeping don't understand how awesome it is to get into bed and fall asleep quickly and then wake up a normal amount of hours later feeling decent enough to exist as an adult in society.
In ninth grade I had insomnia where I wouldn't fall asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning and then I'd have to be up at 6:45 or 5:45 depending on if I had breakfast club that day. Then I'd come home after whatever manner of after school activity I might have been doing (proof of nerdliness in activities I participated in in high school: Spanish Club/Honor society, Anime Art Club, Art Club, Academic Challenge (so much fun, I love trivia btw), National Honor Society, MATH TEAM, Year Book) and I'd take a nap from 4ish until dinner time, 6ish. IT BLEW. I went for some accupuncture to see if it'd help, and it'd be at like 4PM after school, and I'd be full of needles, lying on a table, and then they'd make me lie there for half an hour, and I'd fall asleep on the table. DUH. Of course I'd fall asleep on the table, in a dark, quiet, warm room AT NAP TIME.
Anyhooo. Time to return to Yoshi Attack. And maybe put on Terence's Simpsons DVD, just to bombard my senses.