tra la la LA LALALALA

May 07, 2011 22:29

Do you know what is great is beer is great. I am currently a very big fan of Dogfish Head - which I have been for a while - and Left Hand, which is a more recent discovery. I am way way more a fan of dark beers - stouts, etc - than the paler beers, or things that are very hop-py. The darker and smoother the better. :D So, keeping that in mind, I recommend Left Hand Milk Stout (which is a little sweet, too, but not gross-sweet) and their Black Jack Porter. We also just tried their Sawtooth Ale, which I recommend as a very no-fills easy-to-drink beer. Not dark at all, not a lot of hops. Also, it is a new life goal to find their imperial stout, Wake Up Dead.

We are always on the lookout for some super great new beer, so please recommend something if you are in the know. Also, the place where we are having our reception has a decent selection of booze, but they're also willing to switch out some beer for others either for a higher cost or for eliminating an equivalent-cost couple of beers from the selection. SO. TIME FOR A POLL.

Poll biergarten

And also, it turns out that my lease is up at the end of the month instead of June 19th, like I originally thought. So we found a place and we're moving May 21st, which is in two weeks from now, ahhhh (also: wheee!!), and I really like it for lots and lots of reasons, one of which is that when we filled out an application and wandered around, there were goslings!!!

They were so little! And fuzzy! And they hopped up steps and were ungainly! GOSH HOW COULD THERE POSSIBLY BE ANY DOWNSIDE TO A PLACE WHERE GOSLINGS LIVE. And willow trees!

They're also letting us in a week early, just for the day, so we can paint. So we have to pick paint colors and buy them this week and this weekend I'm going wedding dress shopping with my mom and sister, then there's a family shindig, and then I'm painting my new home. Everything is busy and awesome.

wheee!!!, poll, beer!

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