I attend Toronto
TransitCamp yesterday. It was a good time and very educational. The whole -Camp phenomenon is interesting and promising, even if it isn't as ground-breaking as some might think.
I'm sitting in
The Embassy on Augusta. It's snowing beautifully out there. I'm supposed to be working on the design for various web projects but instead I'm just reading about the
official proposal for the future of the Scarborough RT line. I guess this is why I have been so negligent of my transit nerd obligations: it takes time to read reports and attend meetings, even if it turns out to be fascinating.
I lost my ipod a few days ago. The most relevent consequence of which being that I get to listen to the rather excellent selection they're playing here at the Embassy. I need to buy a new ipod soon lest I fall into deep neglect of my podcast collection but it's nice not to operate at 24h sensory saturation for the time being.