(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 20:14

I feel like this summer has gone into hyper drive. At first it stretched out before me in countless puppy-less days of boredom and toil and now it feels like a race to finish and accomplish everything before the fall semester begins. I suppose it is always this way. But it is very distressing and unsettling none-the-less. Summer, I have some issues with you. We need to talk about your uneven performance and general lack of proper pacing.

One of my best (and few remaining, truth be told) friends from college is coming tomorrow and staying for a week. I must credit her visit with getting me out of my cleaning shame spiral into something resembling order in my apartment. It's still not perfectly clean, but at least it's not making me feel helpless and depressed anymore.

I renewed my lease yesterday. One more year! It's really odd because there was a long period last semester when I thought I was going to move out and get a room mate. That plan was abandoned as soon as I finished furnishing my apartment and realized how perfect everything was and how I really could not contemplate (or stomach) the idea of having a room mate again. I'm excited to be staying for another year, but of course anxious because it is pretty pricey and probably not the best bargain in town. But staying here one more year gives me some stability for my second year. Next year I can move if I find something better...

Well, that's my update. I fear that it may be my last for a few weeks due to Megan's visit and having to read, write a play, and maintain my own sanity. That last one is, of course, a low priority.

summer, friends, houston, room mate, apartment, megan

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