Back in the US, back to reality

Aug 01, 2011 13:15

I have now been back at home (Charlottesville) for a week and a half after spending a month in London. My trip was amazing; I did not get as much archival research done as I wanted to, but it's a great start and I tow know better how to navigate the archives for future research. It was great being able to spend time with my friend Joanna in LDN. I hope I'll be back next summer.

I got an iPad when I was in London, because my laptop crashed and I thought I needed to send it in for warranty service (which only seemed to be available in the US; now I think I probably could have gotten service in the UK and know for certain that I could have fixed it myself :P). It was more expensive buying it in Pounds, but it simplified everything by giving me internet and skype and all sorts of wonderful things. Now that I am home and my computer is fixed, I'm not sure what its purpose is. My dad has offered to buy it, but I don't know. It's hard to give something shiny away, especially after I have added all my apps and gotten addicted to Bakery Story. On the other hand, I can't really afford to keep it :P. Any thoughts? Does anyone have an iPad or iPhone and can recommend some apps that will change my life and my mind?

Well, it's weird that I haven't posted in almost a year, and I can't promise I will be posting more, but I have been reading all that time and catching up with you all in comments whenever I could. If I missed something major, please update me :).

archive, london, laptop, research, ipad

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