
Jun 27, 2010 14:33

Last night I hosted a BBQ for my first year (now second year OMG) cohort at my apartment complex's pool/grill area. It went really well, which I was not expecting. There were a few snafus, of course, but all in all it was a fun night and I'm glad I did it. My burgers were a hit!

The only crappy thing about last night was how much food we had to throw away at the end of the night because of inadequate cooler space/cooling. I HATE wasting food. It's just not right. But unfortunately most of the food that got spoiled was MY food because I was the one who brought/prepared all the meat.

All told, I spent a lot of money on the BBQ. I would be kind of peeved, but most of it is stuff I can use again such as charcoal, grilling tools, lighter fluid, etc. I am tempted to have another get together soon to use these leftover buns and hot dogs but we'll see. It does take a lot of planning/effort.

My back is still hurting, but slowly improving. Apparently it takes about 2 weeks to get 100% back to normal. I wish I could afford a massage.

I felt like I had something else to say, but I can't remember so...

party, summer, being social, pain, bbq, cohort, grad school

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