In Which I Introduce Myself (More Or Less)

Oct 08, 2017 02:48

I'm still new here and I feel like I should say hello instead of floating about all formless in the shadows. So I hijacked a bunch of get-to-know-me meme things on the internet and threw together a hodgepodge of some of their questions (the most intensely serious and probing ones, as you will see) because I’m not great at talking about myself without specific prompting.

So. "About me."

1) Do you have freckles?
I adore freckles. I do not have freckles myself.

2) Can you whistle?
I cannot. With some concentration, I can manage an airy three-note range-a major third, tops. I am jealous of those with whistling skills.

3) Favourite colour?
If we’re talking Roy G. Biv general, then blue. If we’re talking specific colours: deep garnet/wine, stormy/mossy green, and earthy violet. If we’re talking palettes, I love naturals and earth tones.

4) Eye colour?
Although the official driver’s license description is “grey,” they’re more of a bluish grey-green with a muddy turquoise ring around the iris, and appear largely blue or green depending on what I’m wearing. (I really like eyes. They're rarely just one pure shade.)

5) What books are you reading?
I’ve been gradually working my way through the stories of Alice Munro’s “Runaway.” The last book I finished before that was “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson.

6) Do you collect anything?
I collect programs from various dance/theatre/music productions (mostly local) I’ve seen or been a part of. I have a desk drawer full of them. I also have a drawer full of kind notes and letters. These are some of my favourite things, and it makes me sad that hand-written notes are becoming something of a rarity.

7) Do you dance in the car?
UM YES. I can’t resist a good beat. When I play pop music , it’s for the chief purpose of moving to it.

8) Favourite animal?
I have a special place in my heart for frogs, toads, and turtles. I also get excited about salamanders, newts, and lizards. I like foxes and tigers, too. And elephants. And otters. I don’t know. I like animals in general. I am very fond of birds.

9) Do you watch the Olympics?
I do. I enjoy the Olympics. Last Olympics I started watching the Parade of Nations late at night and didn’t want to go to bed until every team had marched. I might have gotten a little emotional over the whole thing.

10) Do you prefer to swim in a pool or the ocean?
Neither. Never swum in the ocean; not a big fan of pools. Give me a lake, please.

11) Dogs or cats?
Both! <3 Although I’ve never had either as a pet.

12) Do you have any obsessions right now?
If I didn’t, I would never have found my way here. (I’ve historically been pretty obsessive, although so far this is the furthest I’ve gone into anything resembling fandom involvement.)

13) Do you have strange dreams?
Good grief, yes. And I love dreams. I LOVE DREAMS. The stranger, the better.

14) Are you a picky eater?
I’m better than I was, but yes. When I was small I would barely eat anything, especially meat, without first dousing it in ketchup. (Still not much of a meat person, outside of a good cheeseburger.)

15) Do you fear thunder/lightning?
I LOVE thunder and lightning, with a passion that has more than once led to tears.

16) Coffee or tea?
Tea, probably. I’m not opposed to coffee, but it’s by no means a part of my routine. (Though neither, to be fair, is tea.)

17) Five random facts about yourself
a. I have a dangerous weakness for sour gummy worms.
b. I have never seen a true horror film, but I am often weirdly fascinated by horror trailers.
c. The majority of my wardrobe is secondhand, mostly from thrift and consignment shops.
d. I adore fruit salad in general, but am entirely against melon in fruit salad. (Melon sucks away the vibrant taste of everything else into its own void. It is a black hole for flavour.)
e. I once performed at Lincoln Center. (In full context this fact is far less impressive or interesting than it has potential to be, but it was still a cool experience.)

18) First album you ever bought?
The film score to “The Fellowship of the Ring.” I hadn’t even seen the movie yet. I was really into film scores for a while. The first album I bought that was not a film score was Patrick Watson’s “Wooden Arms.”

19) What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
Newsies: The Musical. :D (Or maybe Spider-Man: Homecoming? One of those.)

20) Do you have any scars?
The scars I have are all but invisible and have pretty innocuous stories. I have a tiny burn scar on my forearm from holding a clothing iron in a stupidly careless way. I have a scar on my big toe from smashing it under a library door. I have a scar on my index finger from a broken staple that scraped me while I was “helping” to strike a stage set. All of these injuries were entirely superficial and I feel like the stories behind them make up a decent summary of my life.

21) How many piercings do you have?
None. I’m not a huge accessory person, and I’ve never been interested enough in earrings to get my ears pierced.

22) How fast can you type?
About 75wpm, give or take. Unfortunately, the time it takes me to compose 75 words is at least 5 times that, on average.

23) Do you keep a journal?
I’ve kept journals since I was ten years old, though I’ve never been consistent with them. There have been gaps of 2+ years between entries.

24) Are you the type that holds it all in or lets it all out?
As a rule, holds it all in. (*high fives Winchesters* Yay, repression buddies!)

25) What is your favourite song at the moment?
I am too indecisive to be hardline about favourites, and a lot of my favourites fluctuate by mood. So, because I don’t know how to be concise or settle on answers, here is a list of some songs that I have been especially enjoying recently:
“Highway to Hell” and “You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC
“Night Moves” by Bob Seger
“Peace of Mind” by Boston
“Trusty and True” by Damien Rice
“The Universe” by Gregory Alan Isakov
“Patron Saint of Rock and Roll” by Jon Foreman
“Glass House” and “No Good” by Kaleo
“The Ocean” and “Ramble On” by Led Zeppelin
“Brother” by Matt Corby
“Broken Headlights” by The Milk Carton Kids
“Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song)” by Oscar Isaac and Marcus Mumford
“Sisters” by Radical Face
“Nothing Arrived” (acoustic version) by The Villagers

26) Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Who hasn’t? My list includes Aladdin, Thomas from Pocahontas (???), Han Solo, and Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables books. (Sam and Dean Winchester are, I think, a given.)

27) What about a person do you find attractive?
Intelligence, maturity (without taking themselves too seriously), genuineness, a decent measure of confidence, a sense of humour, and non-exclusive kindness. (I also find it highly attractive when a person rolls their sleeves up to the elbow.)

28) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
I went trick-or-treating as a s’more when I was about five years old.

29) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I wiped out while roller skating and twisted my arm at the elbow. That’s honestly the worst I’ve had. My life is full of thrills.

30) What’s the last song you downloaded?
Beyonce’s “Run the World (Girls).” I needed it for my running playlist.
*cut to montage of me Not Running*

31) On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Depends on what episodes of the Lore podcast I’ve listened to lately.

32) What’s your favourite breakfast?
Breakfast is my favourite meal because it is full of grains and fruit. THE BEST. I love waffles and pancakes, I like eggs, and I adore French toast; but I also love cereal and am perfectly satisfied to eat bowl after bowl of off-brand corn flakes.

33) Favourite season?
Spring and autumn. ♥

Hi, LiveJournal! It's nice to be here. :)

(Next time, we talk about SUPERNATURAL.)

me myself and also me

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