Starling post

Jul 10, 2009 09:06

My little charges are doing very well. In the mornings, I put their cage outside on the balcony so they can talk to the other starlings in the neighborhood, who fly over and visit. In the afternoons they are now getting daily flight practice and learning to navigate a bit. Yesterday, I found a bloody flight feather on the floor so the navigation still needs a little bit of work but they are doing better. Banana is still gaping and prefers to feed from me so I can't release him yet. Both Lemmy and Knish prefer to eat from the dish than from my hand now which is good. Once Banana weans I do think I will be able to release them. They enjoy going outside and fly around in the cage in the morning, waiting for me to bring the cage outdoors. Lemmy has started singing in the mornings and late at night, which is lovely. I'm hoping to be able to release them in a couple of weeks.

animals, st. francis, starlings

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