
Jul 08, 2009 07:59

FYI, that's Lemmy in my new icon. However, it was Banana that got my heart racing this morning as he zoomed out of the cage while I was feeding the trio. Because navigation is fairly new to him, I was able to run ahead of him and close a door, confining him to upstairs. I was also lucky, or rather he was, that no cats were in sight at the time. He doubled back, after landed briefly in a hanging lamp, and headed straight for the ceiling fans. Yes they were on but he corrected just in time, just grazing one of them and landing on the curtains, where I was finally able to grab him. Whew! A little less excitement first thing in the morning please! Yeesh.

Now if he would just wean, I think all of them are just about ready for release. While keeping starlings as pets is an interesting notion, I'd really prefer they be wild, as they should be.

animals, st. francis, birds

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