Catch a falling star and put in your pocket, save it for a rainy day

Nov 18, 2001 09:21

We did it! We got up at 4:30 in the morning and saw the Leonides! First I got up and went outside and saw one and Harry said if I saw just one, to get him up. So he got up and got dressed and we went outside, saw a few more and then I went back inside, woke up and bundled up Bree in a blanket and headed back out again. We lay on a comforter on the grass, snuggled together, watching the meteor shower. Not as many as we might have hoped but I think we were able to see about 20-30. Very cool indeed! Brigid loved it and I've never see her wake up so fast, especially at such an early hour. What a wonderful sight and experience.

life, joy, harry

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