This and that

Apr 22, 2010 05:54

That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

If I get any stronger I'm going to have super hero powers. And if that happens I want Tim Gunn to design my costume. Hey, at least I'm maintaining a sense of humor. :)

Oh and it's Earth Day. That's Happy Making to me.

Also, when I went to Garden World yesterday, it was full of annual flats, the first of the season. The temptation was to buy the place out but my yard needs to be cleaned up first. Details, details. Anyway, I simply rescued an orchid needing my help and nothing more but oh boy, come the weekend, I'm going to be gardening.

I realized definitively that I'm a classic car geek. If I can tell what a car is under a car cover, well, yeah. :)

Is it Friday yet?

life, stress

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