DGM: "Turnabout is Foul Play"

Nov 08, 2008 20:30

The night begins with extreme promise, but it tapers out juuuust before the good part.

Warnings: Some pornish activity between two males. Extremely devious Allens. Also possibly extremely oversexed Allens. The shameless abuse of religious precepts.
Written for apapazukamori, again, as she wanted a fic about Link walking in on Allen and Lavi. Ahem.

.turnabout is foul play.
"I am," Lavi started breathlessly, "the luckiest man alive."

Allen made a humming noise against his neck, encouraging Lavi to keep talking as much as he could with his mouth occupied, scraping down to his collarbone and applying a fleeting, teasing suction. It was dizzying, the sensation of being in a falling elevator, with the featherlight tickle of thin hair wisping over his skin making it hard to formulate coherent sentences.

Also the gloved hand already fumbling at the front of his pants. "I can't think of anyone else," Lavi said, and then paused, and then continued, "whose lover would -- grab him in the library, wrestle him into a quiet study room, and demand to suck his dick."

Allen murmured, "Sounds like those people should find lovers who like doing it as much as I do."

His head was going to explode, Lavi realized, some clinical part of him still capable of analyzing the sudden rush of blood that felt like it was swelling his brain before rapidly rushing elsewhere. Allen was edging even lower, taking his time, suggesting a patience, a leisurely air that wasn't quite mirrored by the way his hand was already stroking Lavi's cock harder, the leather of his glove maddeningly cool and smooth.

"I'm... so fucking lucky," Lavi breathed.

The shorter youth purred against his stomach. He settled fully on his knees, and Lavi took half a heartbeat to memorize him, this moment, the perfect picture Allen offered him. It was part paranoia, part grim reality, but he stored away all these moments, knowing that with this war, with Allen's curse, with Lavi's calling -- any one of them might be the last.

Allen proved very capable of banishing those distracted thoughts, pulling his throbbing erection out of his pants and smoothing his gloved left hand over the hot skin. He brought the right to his mouth and tugged the glove off with his teeth, and then there was warm, soft skin caressing him. Lavi let his head fall back again and groaned quietly, managing to keep himself from pushing forward into that coaxing touch only because he was so eager for the part that came after this, if he proved that he could control himself enough not to strangle Allen.

His eyes heavy-lidded, Allen leaned in, lips parted, and that was the moment when the door opened on Link's flat, shuttered expression.

For a moment they remained frozen like that, and then Lavi shot up, a very different sort of groan escaping him. He turned away from the door, fixing his pants. It took Allen a beat longer to respond, and then he was on his feet again, flushed, insisting, "Link, you don't want to report this."

"Oh? Don't I?" the little blond man asked with great dignity. "What part about my charge, who is on trial for heresy, being a sexual deviant do you think wouldn't interest the Inspector?"

There was an anxious pause and then Allen blurted out, "Because you're just as guilty!"

Link stared at him, and so did Lavi, because he had not been aware that Allen had that sort of relationship with Link and he thought he might be kind of indignant about it: not jealous because he didn't get jealous, that was for other people, non-Bookmen people, but definitely some sort of upset.

"I beg your pardon?" Link asked, irritated.

Allen took quick steps closer to him, pointing out, "That's what the Church says, isn't it? A sin in thought is as good as committing that sin, isn't it?"

Link eyed him warily. "I do not subscribe to that particular tenet of faith. Furthermore, I haven't--"

"But your superiors do, don't they?" Allen pointed out, low, so that when he stepped in closer to Link and dropped his voice a notch Lavi couldn't hear what he was saying.

Oh but he could imagine.

Lavi could identify the precise moment when Link became a sexual deviant; something in the older youth's expression tightened, and then his eyes immediately shut, agitated. Allen leaned back, a triumphant smile lurking at the corner of his lips. "Now you're as guilty as we are," he pronounced with satisfaction.

"I will keep this to myself," Link said stiffly. "But you, Mister Walker, will not indulge in this behavior again on my watch, even if I have to put a seal on your mouth."

He grabbed Allen's left hand, resting on his bicep, and Allen yelped and crashed to the floor as if the ceiling had collapsed onto him. Link stalked out of the library without another word, and slowly, Lavi dared pushing away from the wall to come closer to Allen. The other Exorcist was sitting upright now with his arm sprawled limp and heavy over the floor, an innocent white paper seal rendering it useless.

"Fuck," Allen was muttering, impotently attempting to remove the seal. His fingers scrabbled over it as if there were nothing there at all.

"I can't believe you did that," Lavi said, almost admiring. "That was smooth. And cruel."

Allen grimaced. "The alternative was letting us both be tortured to death beneath the Vatican. Anyway, he said himself he doesn't really believe he committed a sin. Help me out here."

Lavi considered the seal, wondering if anyone who didn't know the special techniques of the Crow could remove it. Maybe if he used acupuncture, stimulated the arm past the seal's restrictions... "Don't know how I feel about the guy who's shadowing you having secret dirty thoughts about your mouth."

"Mmm. You don't know, huh?" Allen's gaze dropped to his pants, and then he looked disappointed. "Oh -- you covered up."

"Yeah." Lavi lifted an eyebrow. "Link was just in here. You might've noticed."


Lavi dropped onto the floor next to him, disbelieving. "Are you sure you don't have some sort of exhibitionist streak? I won't judge you or anything, I'm just wondering."

Allen ignored him, huffing out a tiny sullen breath. "...I can't believe I didn't get to finish."

"You didn't get to finish? We hadn't even gotten to you yet." Lavi laughed.

"Didn't get to finish you," Allen said, his voice just barely on the innocent side of a purr.

Why did he keep saying things like that? Did he want Lavi's head to explode? Lavi pointed out helpfully, "The night's still young."

Allen smiled at him, sweet and promising, and then jabbed an insistent finger at his arm. Lavi gathered ruefully that the night wasn't going anywhere until he'd mastered a lifetime of Crow techniques.

allen, !d. gray-man, link, lavi, :lavi/allen

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