DGM, "The Teasing Game"

Nov 11, 2008 11:32

Of course the first thing Lavi does on being changed into a girl is take advantage of her new and interesting methods of ruffling Allen.

Warnings: Boys who do girls who are boys. Light petting to second base!! and a great deal of brattiness and teasing. Inappropriate forwardness. Hesitant!Allen.
Written for a springkink prompt: Lavi/Allen, genderswap.

.the teasing game.
"It's like you've never seen breasts before," Lavi said with great amusement.

"I'm aware of them," Allen countered, reflexively dry, but his gaze didn't -- lift, terribly, so it might not have been the most believable sarcasm. "I'm just not used to them on... you."

Not that it wasn't a good look for Lavi. They were certainly very nice breasts, full and round, and they suited his (her?) new, more willowy frame. He (she?) was unfortunately still quite tall -- Lavi's hems still fit neatly, although the shirt fell awkwardly over her (damnit) new... assets.

"Yeah, well," Lavi said, lifting a hand to rake through her loose hair. "This actually isn't the first time this has happened to me, you know? Sometimes Komui just -- puts weird stuff in the baths."

Allen spared a moment to be very grateful he hadn't gotten a chance to bathe yet today, and then another moment to wonder uneasily which other men of the Order had suffered the same fate. Then he managed politely, "This isn't the first time, and you still trust his bathing facilities?"

"Where else am I going to bathe?" Lavi said, shrugging. "Besides, it's not that bad. And you seem to like it," she added, tugging at the laced-up collar of her shirt to reveal the rounded curve of cleavage. Allen quickly averted his gaze, a faint flush starting.

If it had been Kanda, he would have laughed and shrugged it off. If it had been -- Crowley, or Johnny... But Lavi was the worst possible person to undergo this sort of transformation.

After all, Lavi never knew how to let go of an interesting idea.

Her long legs folding on either side of his hips as she slid into his lap. "Should I come back when I have some sexy lingerie?" Lavi asked, teasingly. "Right now I'm sort of using what I had available, and that's not very interesting..." She drew up the hem of her shirt, exposing flat belly and just the lower curving edge of her breasts -- clearly defined in tempting pale skin due to her lack of a bra.

"I don't need it to be more interesting than this," Allen assured her, trying to reign in his growing discomfort. He was a gentleman. He was familiar with how to behave around ladies. The experience he did have in an intimate situation with one was... shy, slow, almost delicate.

Lavi was definitely not a lady. She found his right hand, nervously fidgeting at his side, and drew it up under her shirt, bringing it to rest on one lush breast. Allen almost stopped breathing, attention flickering uncertainly up to her eyes for practically the first time since she'd walked into the room.

"If you're just teasing me, I think you should know I don't appreciate it," he said in half a whisper.

She leaned in, holding his hand there. "It's not called teasing if you intend to follow through," she informed him, and took hold of the ribbon at his throat in her teeth.

Allen tilted his head back to let her do it, staring at the ceiling. Well. He couldn't protest such a straightforward declaration. Blindly, he shifted his hand to cup the weight of her breast and brought a thumb up to rub over her nipple, gently nudging it hard. "I see," he said, struggling to take this in stride. He was going to make love to Lavi, who was a woman. "You're just -- some sort of pervert."

"Actually, I'm pretty sure the other thing is generally considered the perverted part," Lavi told him, backing up just enough so that he could see her visible eye, glinting playfully. "This whole man-and-woman thing is usually thought of as normal!"

"I was thinking more that most men, upon becoming women, wouldn't be quite so eager to run out and find someone to -- pleasure them." His mind automatically censored the coarser terms that presented themselves, but it felt slightly slower than usual, as if its function had been reduced to the speed of his calloused fingers on her soft, yielding flesh.

"Wow, pleasure them. You've been reading some of Lenalee's romance novels," she repeated, a snicker in her voice, and Allen flushed irritably. But Lavi continued obliviously, "Most people enjoy pleasure, right? Why wouldn't I enjoy experiencing it in a different way?"

Ah, that was it. It was about the experience, the learning. That made sense -- it was very Lavi. Allen leaned in to curl his tongue around her earring, drawing lightly on the lobe of her ear, and Lavi stiffened and shivered. That earring had the power to drive her to distraction.

"Whoa, hey. Are you saying if this happened to you, you wouldn't share with me?" Lavi asked suddenly, apparently not distracted enough.

Share? With a pleasant smile against her skin, Allen informed her, "No. I wouldn't be flaunting it."

"...Alleeeeen--" Her complaint was cut off with a sharp gasp. "You, ah-- wouldn't even go to Lenalee and see who's bigger?"

Allen paused, his gloved left hand stilling right over her belt buckle. "Tell me you didn't do that," he said, pained.

Lavi mustered the concentration to smirk at him. "I don't need to," she pointed out. "But we're pretty close. What do you think? I have the same body type as Lenalee~ Doesn't that turn you on even more?"

What a stupid thing to say. What an insecure thing to say, when Allen was so sure that Lavi was nothing like insecure. He closed his eyes, pained, and finally opened them again to accuse, "You say things like that just to bother me, don't you?"

"You get so cute when you're ruffled," Lavi admitted freely, and the smirk on her face lasted until Allen curled arms around her and pressed her to her back on the couch.
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