Fauna Pixel Trade Round Robin: 3.2
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Oh hai! Its time for more Fauna shenanigans!
Last time? Zebra (
) celebrated the birth of her first born by sexing up the male contents of the Maxis-laden Sim Bin; Chameleon attempted to (and some may say succeeded) to apply for the crown of cutest sim child ever; Fluro!Burglar proved his unorthodox plans were actually secretly GENIUS; Zebra & Liam (
) discovered their second-born, Manitee, looked akin to a monkey-faced piglet; and Chameleon hit up teenhood!
This week? We open with Chameleon's acrobatical stylings with the violin.
I would like to take this moment to note that: THESE BOOTS ARE ADORABLE! O_O;;
I've not noticed them before - why do more people not cut these (and the socks!) off and put them on more outfits I do not know. *grabby hands*
God, maybe it'll inspire me to try my own hand at meshing *fear*
Now she's a teen, I thought I'd take her out for a minor more ... young adultie makeover. :D
And while I was doing makeovers, I attempted to even little Manitee out a bit to make her less scary. I think I succeeded, y/y? :D
Ahahhaa, rumbled, Liam! You totally liked it.
Chameleon began rolling a whole mess of sister-centric wants - like nursery rhyme teaching. I swear this girl needs to have a family secondary as she's CLEARLY secretly family already. (She (ie I nudged Greg and told him to give me a number at random) rolled knowledge).
I have no idea where, but her OTH is Science. Which I had NO idea about having never had a science-oriented sim before so I had to ask
about how the heck to keep her ~SCIENTIFICALLY~ happy.
*blinks* Raise your hand if you can't believe its not chocolatine suspect box mix...
I see you know what this means! Thankfully they didn't take as long THIS time to get knocked up again so that we could ahve the pre-requisite three children for heir choice. Zebra grows PERILOUSLY close to elder!
I had a great caption in mind when I took this screenshot, but as I was taking it I got distracted by ONE thing...
... HURR HURR HURR HURR *sniggers*
Speaking of round bulging things... I lolled that Zebra's eyes, Zebra's belly and Stray Cat's eyes simul-go BLOOP!
HIS NAME IS NOODLE! I cannot resist!
All hail, Noodle! The messiah!
Pizza: The continuing ~mystery~
(honestly the box was cleaned LONG ago, but slices still keep appearing O_O)
Noodle's first tast as new member of the household? Anointing the kitchen.
(I made Chameleon tell him off SUPER good. ALJFASKDSJ! LIAM?! Hygiene!?)
Manitee's birthday could not come too soon for me, are you all keeping your fingers crossed for beauty to kill the beast?
Heavily pregnant, and approaching old age, it completely doesn't stop Zebra & Liam act like newly-adult three bolters when they're APPARENTLY only two... Oh yeah, POP! Hello there third trimester xD
I APPROVE OF THIS KIND OF CELEBRATION! (Hugely preferrable to adultery, though not as PG as pretending to be a shaman and playing the violin - not a euphemism).
Oh, and they bought Bella Swan's truck.
I really need to download more cars >_<;;
You have NO idea how hard it is to catch a sim doing this! And I was DESPERATE to catch Chameleon in the act because THIS IS HOW SHE ALWAYS GOES DOWN THE STAIRS!! ALWAYS!! FROM CHILDHOOD!
I am so sad I never managed to screenshot it when she was still in the child phase, oh god it was so freaken adorable... And PEPPY! So full of pep...
You may notice a theme with my sims games and headmaster visits. Apparently, headmaster = NAKED TIME! Or at least expose as much flesh as simmingly possible.
As this is his third family (I played another family just cause in this hood 'sides the Magicakes) to react to his visit this way, I think it MAY be taking its toll on the PS's Headmaster...
Check out his withering. Facial wither!
*sniggers* This was going to be the teaser image.
*sigh* Typical.
Of COURSE the last birth of the family would be a double birth, this isn't MY game or anything. Well, at least its only two.
LIAM'S NECK! Continuing in the great tradition of completely obscuring birth cutscenes.
In case you're wondering, why YES! Liam is completely starkers.
I was going to start quoting the lyrics of Maria Nayler's Naked & Sacred and then I realised just HOW WRONG that would be while he was holding his newest new born.
So just pretend I didn't mention it.
Also, I apologise for getting that song in your head. Here, get this one in your head instead:
Click to view
*may or may not have just finished reading
the latest Wiggles update...*
So anyway, back to those twins...
Liam sacredly nakedly holds a little S1 baby, and patiently waited while Zebra effortlessly popped out a cute little S2 bundle of .. Well, sim anatomy, really.
And thirdly, a little S1 floor!baby. Yeah you heard me, AND.
Sup triplets, how YOU doin?
Which makes Pangolin - WOO! A boy to even things out a little :D - our third contender for heir. ^_^
PS: LOL at Liam's legs & Zebra's cleavage peeking at the sides of these pop ups. Oh Liam, ANKLES?! THE SCANDAL!
Did the game know it was triplets and give them BOTH days off!? Sometimes I love the crazy glitchiness of my game, when its not forcing me to remake the whole world - in this case literaly - it makes for the funnest gameplay.
See this UNKNOWN blanket entity? That'll me me, hiding from the unexpected trips.
As I couldn't fit three cribs in the nursery, the nursery became the elder girls' room - replete with weirdly lit photoskinned rugs...
...& the girls' room became the nursery ^_^
Though I left Chameleon's desk in there, so she could babysit while doing her homework. I AM NOT AN OPPORTUNISTIC SLAVE DRIVER! She just likes it, okay?
TrailOfStink™: I caught word that my brother, BOS™ had tarried a while in your abode? May I have the pleasure of speaking with him? *flutters down stairs*
TOS™, clearly much more genteel and predisposed to prettily sharing his aroma than the ever presumptive BOS™.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!! Not his LTW (which is celebrate a Golden Wedding Anniversary), but WOOOOOOOOT!
You GO! In your fancy, sock-stuffed tights, Liam! :D
Chameleon? How the hell did you get stuck there? O_o;;
No seriously, how?! O_O
Clearly. >_>;;
Would you believe my FIRST antfarm!? :D I had no idea it was for science enthusiasm :D YAY THANKS
Noodle: EXCUSE ME?! I do exist you know!?
Sorry Noodle, I'm not doing it on purpose, but you kind of fell to the wayside when three toddlers suddenly fell out of Zebra's uterus and onto the scene.
Don't anoint any of them your flock though, k?
Chameleon autonomously hits up the ballet barre at every oportunity. But IDK if she REALLY wants to follow in her father's footsteps. THOSE TIGHTS O_O;;;;
Also, another random wcif in my OWN update, but does anyone know if that top & vest have been extracted as a seperate, or slapped on jeans or something? Cause DO WANT + I'd so do a zillion recolours, especially for a male formal option :D
Manitee: My awesome grades, and my perfect teeth: Let me show you them!
OH MY GOD FINAAALLLEEEEEEEY GAWDS! Her LTW is the top of the Slacker Career, and the job has taken THIS LONG, ie her ENTIRE ADULT LIFE, to come up as an option on the computer >_<;;;
Apparently all the vacant slacking off positions had already been filled in this hood >_>;;
OH CRAP! I missed Pangolin's cake-saliva-ing ceremony.
I suspect strong likeness to his father in sim-years to come...
Moose confetti-splodes into overtones of Manitee, similar but not the same.
Squid: ♫WHAT ABOUT MEEE?!?! IT ISN'T FAIR! I've had enough now I want my shaaaare?! CAAAN'T YOU SEEEEE?! I WANNA LIVE?!♫
IDEK why but that's the whole vibe I got off of him, even though he GOT a cake and everything, he refused to grow up. Damn little Floor!Baby, its ALWAYS them.
Moose: Sooo... Hungry... Must... Gain... Sustenence.... Fingers... Not... Needed.... *noms*
I have NO idea why, usually I'm awesome at multiple births, but I had a LOT of trouble with these guys. It was kind of like playing in the twilight zone. Even WITH Chameleon's loads of extra help and the Butler doing his cool Butlerie-Mr-Belvedere-ian thang, there always seemed to be another hungry mouth, more nappies than could be stuck with a stick and not enough time to train anyone to do anything.
Though it solidified it to me that Chameleon HAD to have a family secondary.
24 hours later, Squid FINALLY graced us with his eyebags of doom.
His mouth is going to be SO CUUUUTE, bow lips! *squeal*
See what I mean about suddenly being failtastic with a gajillion kids? Normally I'm SO good at this kind of thing!
But apparently with the Faunas, its just not the case.