Fauna Pixel Trade Round Robin: 3.1

Aug 03, 2010 18:45

Fauna Pixel Trade Round Robin: 3.1

Missed an Update? Want to catch up?
dorkasaur_sims : 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
kingmike1224 : 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3
bondchick_nett: 3.0

Last time on the Faunas, Zebra (kingmike1224) married Liam Nelson (niloublue) amidst great ~CONSPIRACY.~ They had a massive ALL MALE ALL THE TIME wedding bash, and had their consumating woohoo times observed and critiqued by one of jbruntz 's more forward sims. They got pregnant to a tiny alien-skinned child named Chameleon and Zebra celebrated by immeadiately going out to sex up the first greasy haired maxis sim she could find.


Apparently none of the Maxis sims are in on the Liam Nelson Mob Family payroll, and are all completely happy to get in Faunas pants. Or Bikini bottoms as the case may be.

I forgot risky woohoo was on rather... Middling stats so this could've been a VERY BAD THING (and it got turned RIGHT down straight after this), but thankfully no half-siblings for Chameleon just yet. ^^

Oh Liam! ;_; The chance cards. THEY KNOW!

Thats right, you dance out your pain. Does it hurt?! ITS MEANT TO HURT! USE IT! USE THE EMOTIONS...!

Ah, Liam, such a masochist for his calling.

*suspiciously wonders if he chose Zebra because he KNEW she'd be like this*

Its Chameleon's birthday! YAY!! She's just pleased to see her Mummy home, hearty, hale and devoid of any evil adultery cooties.

WOOO! I suspect that YOU, Chamelon, my dear, are freaken adorable.

Just like your irrepressably repressable father. *glee*

And just like her father, she's an ARTISTE:

As soon as Liam finished teaching her the nursery rhyme he INSISTED on teaching her (apparently its way more important than being able to handle normal bodily functions) she wanted to SHARE HER GIFT WITH THE WORLD! And crawled out to the front yard to perform her all-wiggling, all-monosyllabic-singing number for all to see.

And to also gain body skill points from... All that ~cardiac heavy~ jiggling to the nursery rhyme?! WHAT THE? It was cute, and didn't APPEAR that strenuous...

Except she actually got a charisma skill point. I AM SO CONFUUUUUUUUUSED!


Chameleon: *sketches her inner physical vs mental conflicts*

Aww Liam, just cause she's learning to walk doesn't mean she's not your little baby anymore. Rest assured she wont be growing up and getting married on MY watch.

Hurrrr hurrr RR humor... *whistles*

Meanwhile, instead of sexing up her utterly delectible husband and providing us with a second heir to choose from, Zebra is back to macking on maxis.


At least she's home for all the big events. And she's really EXCITED for them :D :D

Nothing bigger than your first-born's birthification day, right? :D

N'awwww! She's so composed and pretties whilst she slumbers. *love*

Uh.. O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;


I was totally going to type something then in that chastisement, and then I realised how crazy spoilerie it was. LANDMINE SIDE STEPPING, SOMETIMES I CAN HAS!

I wasn't enjoying her nose and the flat discolouration of her skintone considering how much of a super active little girl she was, hence child-friendly makeover.

SHE'S RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL, no? <333333333333333 *lovelove*

I admit, at this moment, I was considering not attempting to give her any competition for heirdom, but since this IS an RR I really couldn't do that in good conscience so I continued my heavy regime of having Liam & Zebra try for baby almost every waking hour they were together.

Honestly, they just DIDN'T want to get pregnant again! O_O;;

Chameleon: Why do they want another me anyway? Is it because my grades are so bad? It is isn't it?! I AM TRYING AS HARD AS I CAN! *fret*

There there, dear, its your first day. NO sim comes home with an A on the first day. *pets*


Awwww! Everyone told him he'd make a completely ridiculous thief, and that it was a bad idea for him to follow that line of work. BUT CLEARLY HE STOOD FIRM! FOLLOWED HIS DREAMS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATION!

Well, he's following them anyway, everyone's got to start somewhere.

He's in!! And the alarms are alread going bunta *headdesk*

But he continues on into the house to realise his dream, NO ONE puts Baby burglar in the corner. *stands firm*

Chameleon: Uh. Hi, Fluorescent burgular. Please don't rape us.
Fluorescent!Burglar: Hi Little Girl. I just want to steal your stuff.
Chameleon: K...


They stood like that for AGES then Chameleon ran the HELL off into her parent's room and the burglar just stood around wondering what he should steal since there was pretty much nothing of value in the upstairs landing...

And then a policemen FINALLY showed up to beat Fluro!Burglar into a bloody pulp, and many hash & at symbols jumped into the fray with glee.

You know what, # & @? With the dawn of the internet you guys get used PLENTY, why don't you let some other symbols exert their right to fight?

Okay this is so VERY much like my Mum and me when I was a kid. xD Dad was a late shiftworker and so we'd sit up together waiting for him to come home. We'd watch 'scary movies' and we'd hide behind the couch, and I'd look and report back to Mum what was happening xD


EEEEEEE! THE CUTE! *adoration*

Zebra gave up watching the fight and locked herself back in the bedroom. Where she experienced massive morning sicknes witnessed by the effigys of her family. AND THEY APPROVE OF THIS TURN OF EVENTS.

Meanwhile, SOMEBODY slept through the entire burgularizing encounter. I wonder who THAT could've been....

Now STOP! Trimester time..!

*gasps* OMG YOU GUYS THIS IS MY FIRST CATCH OF THE MORNING SNUGGLE! *squeals with delight* I've not seen any sims do this since I got all the xpacs and a pc.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ferne & Peluda Magicakes did this a lot and I just NEVER caught it. They seem the type, right?

Now FREEZE!! Third trimester time..!

*really needs to put yellow banana pants on all my pregnant sims from now on*

N'awww, I made that face too when she did this. *mimic*

Speaking of faces, guess what caused Chameleon to make THIS ducky face of possible unnatractiveness (but total cuteness on her xD)..?

Why its fluoro!burglar. She NEVER gets over this, btw. EVER. I've played her to adult and she still stops and gets pissy about this every now and then O_O;;

OH GOD SHE'S SO CONCIENCIOUS TOO! <3333 Autonomous butterfly release for the melt-inducement.

(Close friends' baby makes this face all the time atm, its HILARIOUSLY the cutest thing ever. Her parents have no idea where she got it from but something will happen - ANYTHING really, and she'll be all o: *cracks up*)

♫I want a girl guy with a shirt skirt and a looooooong.... JACKET..!♫

WOOO! BIRTH TWO, FINALLY! (Zebra is getting OLDCAKES you guys!) Fingers crossed she doesn't celebrate this one like she did the last? *furious crossing*

Zebra: I PROMISE NOTHING..!!!!!!!!

Yeah thanks Liam, I love you but I didn't need to see the back of your neck for the entireity of this cut scene.

No. Really.

Welcome to the world, albeit a little haphazardly, TheBackOfLiam'sNeck, Uh.. I mean baby girl, Manitee :D

Mum's skin, eyes AND hair. *laughs* The Fauna genes are strong with this one.

Chameleon: YAY! Finally someone for me to torment. *glee*

You.. Wha? Uh.. Questionable fashion choice there, Zebra.. But I guess dressing like a tribal raver from The Matrix II and playing the violin to celebrate the birth of your second born is preferable to adultery.

Chameleon: You know what else is questionable? The ~MYSTERIOUS~ pizza. *crunches*

Yeah, there was still a piece left. FROM BEFORE SHE WAS BORN. Apparently its got so much preservative that its self cleaning.

Hooray! Lets see your little face, Manitee :D


Okay she's not SO bad. She'll probably grow into it. I hope. Its not like she's a piglet with a monkey face, or a poor little deformed calf O_O;;

Actually, I kind of find that poor calf kind of cute. *hides*

Liam? Is that regret in your eyes?

Don't be regretful! Your daughter is THE BOMB and she's ENTIRELY yours. <333 *pouts for him*

AHAHAA! Speaking of your awesome daughter...


Just look at her beautiful face! Do we really need any more heir options? I mean really?


challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: legacy, nett: fauna

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